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September 27, 2018

Is Selling Protein Powder Worth It?

  • 7 min read

by Christian Duque

Protein powder is the foundation of every supplement company – or is it? Why not start this article by questioning one of the most basic premises in our industry? Customers love protein, they swear by it, and everyone wants to have their own brand, with all its flashy labels, and all the fun that comes with bragging about which brand, flavor, and type you like. There’s whey protein – splitting off into concentrates, isolates, and hydrolysates. There’s casein – which some believe is garbage and others believe to be “time released”; then there’s egg. Old school guys love egg protein – real old school guys love milk & egg protein. Vegans have their own split.

2018 Mr. Olympia Webcast Woes

  • 4 min read

by Geoff Roberts

First and foremost, this article is going to be negative. For any of you who falsely believe that all negativity is “hating” or “bad vibes”, move on. Negativity is often necessary in order to properly evaluate certain events and hopefully change them for the better. Even things which are dear to one’s heart. With that out of the way, this 2018 Mr. Olympia presentation must be addressed. This years Olympia webcast was horrifying bad. I cannot even muster the proper words to describe the garbage I was subjected to whilst attempting to watch my favorite sporting event of the year. From every single angle imaginable, this presentation of the pinnacle of our beloved sport was atrocious.