by Matt Weik
This is such a hot topic right now and one that I’ve covered in the past. However, this article is going to move in a slightly different direction in regards to supplement label transparency. And as always, you know how I roll, this article may trigger a few people. I’m ok with that, but what I’m about to say needs to be heard because, well, here today gone tomorrow is a real thing and you don’t want to be next.
I’ve debated both sides of this. I’ve broken it down every which direction that it can. And while I see valid points coming from both sides (the consumer and the brand), this soon will all get brushed under the rug and forgotten about. Where am I going with this? Hold on tight because we’re going for a ride.
Brands Want You to Have ALL the FEELS
Now, this article may seem a little one-sided, but if you read my other content on the topic of supplement label transparency or even my podcast, you’d know where I stand from both sides of the debate. But with this article, I’m going to look at things from the eyes of the brand.
New brands are popping up just about every day. Know what their marketing strategy is? “We’re transparent with our labels.” *slow clap* Congrats, so are a ton of other brands these days.
That actually leads me to my point with all of this. Again, I’m not saying this to be disrespectful to any brands (ok, maybe a few), but resting on the fact that you have supplement label transparency will mean absolutely nothing in 2020. Many brands are going to be transparent, regardless if we think it’s the right move or wrong move to make. You need to find a new way to differentiate yourself from everyone else.
2019 was the year of marketing your brand as being transparent. That movement has come and will be on its way out. Not that people won’t necessarily care anymore. It’s simply because it’s no longer a selling point. It’s like saying your product has ingredient X in it and then everyone else decides to include that same ingredient in their products and it loses its luster.
So, before 2019 comes to an end, you better look at your 2020 marketing strategy and if it has supplement label transparency in it, cross it off and start brainstorming a new point of differentiation. The supplement label transparency train has left the station. It’s time to get back to thinking outside the box with products. Thinking outside the box with ingredients. Thinking outside the box with use. And get back to being unique.
Disclaimer: I’m not Nostradamus but I do see things (not in a creepy way like ghosts). The above is strictly my opinion. I thought I was wrong once but I was mistaken. So, take and do with this as you wish. Cheers!