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5 Food Sources That Are High in Vitamin E

  • 6 min read

by Matt Weik

Have you ever noticed how vitamin E pops up while having conversations with friends or family about beauty products? Or wondered why every time you read the ingredients of hair or skincare products, you find vitamin E as a major component?

Ok, if you’re a dude reading this, I may have already lost you. However, if you care about the health of your skin or you want to slow down the aging process and help look younger for longer, you’re going to want to pay attention to this article.

Let’s have a closer look at this magical vitamin and see what more it has to offer.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to treat or diagnose any condition. The information found within this article is not medical advice and should not supersede a doctor’s diagnosis and treatment plan should you have a health condition. The use of vitamin E should never be a replacement for any medication that your doctor puts you on.

What is Vitamin E?

Vitamin E, also known as Alpha-Tocopherol (the chemical name), is a group of eight fat-soluble components. It has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that protect the cells from oxidative damage by combating the effects of harmful molecules, also known as free radicals. These free radicals are linked to various health conditions, including cancer and aging.

The Health Benefits of Vitamin E Supplementation

Below, you will find the many benefits you can experience when using vitamin E supplements.

1.      Reduces Oxidative Stress

Oxidative damage can lead to an increased risk of diseases and cellular damage. As per studies, vitamin E acts as a powerful antioxidant in the body, and supplementing with high doses can help in reducing oxidative stress and boost the antioxidant defenses.

2.      Improves Skin Health

The skin-related benefits that vitamin E offers are well-known. Vitamin E helps to reduce inflammation, improves elasticity, and keeps the skin glowing and healthy. Also, vitamin E’s antioxidant properties help protect the skin from UV rays and reduce the risk of cancer. Many people combine vitamin E with collagen to further boost their overall skin health.

3.      Prevents Heart Diseases

High blood pressure and cholesterol levels can lead to heart diseases. Vitamin E can reduce these risk factors that can, in turn, prevent heart diseases. As per studies, vitamin E supplements reduced systolic blood pressure but did not have the same effect on diastolic blood pressure.

There are various food items that contain high amounts of vitamin E. So yes, you can easily get vitamin E from natural sources through your diet. Here are the top 5 food items rich in vitamin E that you can consider adding more of in your daily nutrition plan.

1.      Sunflower Seeds

A nutrient-packed snack that you can also sprinkle on top of Greek yogurt or in a healthy salad is sunflower seeds. 100 grams of sunflower seeds contains 35.17 mg of vitamin E.

2.      Almonds

You can have them roasted or simply get out a glass and drink some almond milk. Even better, use almond milk for your protein shakes and smoothies. 100 grams of almonds contains 25.63 grams of vitamin E.

3.      Avocados

A versatile fruit that can be an excellent addition to the diet. Add it as a side to your meal, put it on your morning toast, or make it into a homemade guacamole, and you’re set. 100 grams of avocado contains 2.07 mg of vitamin E.

4.      Peanuts

One of the most popular snacks that can be consumed, either plain or roasted, are peanuts. 100 grams of peanuts contains 4.93 mg of vitamin E.

5.      Spinach

There’s nothing more nutritious than green leafy vegetables. You should be eating these throughout the day as is, but spinach is extremely versatile. Make it into a salad, put it on a sandwich, toss a handful in with your smoothie, or mix it in with an omelet. 100 grams of raw spinach contains 2.03 mg of vitamin E.

Who Needs Vitamin E Supplements?

 People often tend to consume vitamin E supplements with the hope to boost the immune system, reduce the risk of cancer, strengthen the hair, enhance the skin, or slow down aging.

However, the supplement version may not exactly be incredibly helpful unless you have a deficiency of vitamin E. So, in general, you don’t necessarily need supplements if you are not at the risk of deficiency. But that’s also assuming that you are getting enough vitamin E from your daily nutrition. If not, a vitamin E supplement may be ideal.

Potential Side Effects of Using Vitamin E

As per studies, excessive consumption of vitamin E supplements can lead to blood-thinning, which can cause the potential for fatal bleeding. Also, it can interfere with blood clotting that acts as the body’s natural defense after an injury, such as a cut. This also increases the risk of hemorrhagic stroke.

Drug Interactions

It is recommended to consume vitamin E at a normal level. However, if consumed in higher doses (more than 300 mg), it can interact with blood thinners like aspirin or warfarin, according to studies.

So, it is better to consult with a trusted healthcare professional before consuming vitamin E supplements in order to avoid any serious health issues.

Is There Such Thing as Vitamin E Toxicity?

Vitamin E toxicity is consumption in an excessive amount that can lead to health complications. The best way to treat toxicity is to discontinue the use of vitamin E supplements. In case of any serious health complications, seek the help of a medical professional.

However, to avoid toxicity, the best way is to keep your daily intake of vitamin E (both food items and supplements) to less than 1000 mg per day.

Thinking About Taking a Vitamin E Supplement?

Vitamin E is one of the most important fat-soluble nutrients that is essential for the proper functioning of the body. Add food items rich in vitamin E to your diet as they can provide various health benefits.

If you are considering adding vitamin E supplements to your nutrition plan, consult a medical professional and inform them about all your health-related concerns so that they can prescribe the proper dosage according to your individual needs.