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Halo stack question


Sep 3, 2013
Reaction score
chicago, iL
Hey guys,

Looking to do this stack :

Weeks 1 - 6
Halo Extreme
3 caps ed upon waking

3 caps ed upon waking

Advanced Cycle Support
3 caps ed prior to bed

Weeks 13 - 16
20mg ed (1mL if ordered from Hardcore Peptides) prior to bed

Advanced Cycle Support
3 caps ed prior to bed

Ultra Male
1 cap ed prior to bed

Weeks 16 - 18
3 caps ed prior to bed

Advanced Cycle Support
3 caps ed prior to bed

Ultra Male
1 cap ed prior to bed

But what do I do for week 7-13?


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Your cycle should run weeks 1-6, PCT SERM weeks 7-10 & E-Control weeks 11-13. The E-Control should be split up in 3 dosings e/d. > 1cap morning, 1cap lunch & 1cap before bed.
Like the neck posted...OP must have made a typo...thats long gap between cycle and pct..
Why would you wait 6 week to begin PCT? PCT should begin the day after your final oral AAS. A 4 week PCT is sufficient when running a 6 week halo cycle.
Thanks guys, I figured something didn't look right. In regards to the first 6 weeks, the dosage times sound good?

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Thanks guys, I figured something didn't look right. In regards to the first 6 weeks, the dosage times sound good?
No. Split the Halo AND Andro doses am and pm. Take ACS 3-4 hrs separate from the Halo/Andro dose.
For pct, torem or nolva?

Biggiesmallz originally recommend torem, but nolva seems to be effective with less mood issues. Any help is appreciated

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