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Hogg's IML Super 1-Andro log

By pumping a few times I actually got a am dose. Will do the alcohol rinse thing tonight and get my last.
I will do a review of the IML Super 1-Andro tomorrow.
Good chest and tricep workout today.

Chest & tris
Pause bench:
135 X5
135 X5
135 X5
Cybex bench:
255 X5
255 X4
255 X5
255 X5
255 X5
Cybex flies:
90 X10
90 X10
Cybex tricep press:
115 X10
125 X8
135 X6
Cybex tri ext:
75 X10
75 X10
Rope push downs:
70 X10
70 X10
70 X10
Hoist crunch:
M 165 X30 G30
L 165 X30
R 165 X30
Ironmaglabs Super 1-Andro review.

Should say at the start that absortion and the way this stuff dries quickly is amazing.
Put it on and the clothes in a few minutes.

I started this at 180 and currently weigh 188. I'm very lean and hard however and was trying to stay relatively close to 181. Yeah I'm still toying with that oldman bench record even though I had a torn pec awhile back

The reason I didn't mess with 1-andro much before was because I got a bit of lethargy from it. The strength gains were good and it promotes a lean hard look tho.
When I was doing the Leaf AF I noticed no lethargy at 50 mgs. That was what made me ask to do this.

I started the 1-andro doing both pumps at once and did notice a bit of lethargy. It wasn't bad but I still changed it to 1 pump in the am and one in the pm. No lethargy and strength started going up. The hardness and gains are quite good at this moderate dose. I was only doing TRT and a little pregnenolone/DHEA along with it.

I give this product a big thumbs up. It would be a great choice for using in a stack with 4-andro for a gainer or a cut. If I wouldn't buy it myself, I wouldn't brag on it. I will probably do another run with this.

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