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Lean gainer with Super DMZ 5.0!

First of all a big thanx to IML and Heavy for this opportunity. Really am excited about this stack and couldn't wait to start. Aamf, I got the package today and started today.
Training will be like this:

Tues-Back & tris


Thurs-Delts & abs

Friday-Chest & Bis

Diet will be CKD/TKD. I will be doing preworkout carbs and weekend carbups. Sunday is my rest and buffet day. :D
I will be using maltodextrin and dextrose for preworkout carbs and also creatine. Will also be mixing whey and soy protein in preworkout. I'll take 250 mgs alpha lipoic acid after pre for glocose disposal. My post workout will be ketogenic will 200 mgs of ursolic acid.
Instead of oil-based test, I will be using a transdermal 4-DHEA concoction that I made. I will be using 166 mgs a day to start. Might dose twice later.
I took 4 caps SDMZ 5.0 and did TD this morning. After that I took preworkout of 27 grams protein, 60 grams of malto/dextrose and 8 grams creatine. After that I took 250 mgs of ala. Get back in keto easy that way. Trained legs today.


Hack squat:
225 X 8
275 X 6
275 X 6

High leg press:
405 X 8
505 X 8
505 X 8

Standing leg curls:
70 X 10 X 3 X R&L

One leg ext:
70 X 10 X 3 X R&L

Standing calf raises:
250 X 50 X 3
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I just did fasted cardio today. Did about 4 miles outside. Had to go take care of some things begore that so I stayed fasted a bit later than usual. I let myself have a little more carbs than usual(47 grms) but the ala kicks you right back in ketosis. Went back in pretty quickly yesterday also. I took in 120 grms pre and during wo too. It was over 70 % dextrose & maltodextrin tho. It's a look easier going back in with those.

Lifting was back and tris yesterday. My left elbow is still bothering me a bit. That's why I stayed with the light close grip for primary movement.

Tues-back & tris:

Supinated grip pulldowns:
170 X 10 X 3

120 X 8 X 2

Underhand rows:
135 X 10
185 X 10 X 2

Close grip bench:
135 X 10 X 3

Cybex tricep ext
62.5 X 10 X 2

tricep dips
Bw X 10 X 3
I trained delts & abs today. Still doing the preworkout carbs and carbs during also. Feel really good I think it's from the TD 4 andro but might be both. This is basically a prohormone cycle so there's not a lot of stress of the liver. Pretty cool because I think this is going to be very effective.

Thurs delt & abs:

Cybex OHP:
140 X 10
150 X 10
160 X 10

Cybex reverse flies:
70 X 10 X 3

One arm lat raises:
80 X 10 X 3 X R & L

Cybex abs:
60 X 30 X 3

Cybex low abs:
110 X 25 X 3

Back ext :
135 X 20 X 3
Thanks for the log brother!

Very much appreciated!
You're very welcome brotha. Getting a really nice feeling of well being already. Strength part hasn't kick in yet but I think it's gonna be good!
I took the day off from training today. Yesterday was chest & bis. This is my favorite workout like most ppl. I changed this up a bit also. The chest press lets me do some heavier lifts even after flat bench. The idea is to get some nice 1RMs on flat later in the cycle.

Still doing preworkout carbs and carbs during. The carbs are malto and dextrose pre but will change to all dextrose later. Will probably add in some igf-1 then.

Sat bench & bis:

Flat bench:
135 X 10
185 X 8
195 X 6

Cybex plate loaded chest press:
180 X 8
200 X 8
230 X 6
300 X 1

Cybex flies:
150 X 10 X 2

Incline bench:
180 X 8 X 2

Cable ez curls:
110 X 10 X3

Incline curls:
35s X 8 X 2

Cybex conc curls:
75 X 10 X 3
So I did the pre and during carbs as usual today. Also the creatine and ala for carb uptake. I will add mgf in pretty soon. I have shuttled carb before even with this and seemed to work well. Did keto recovery and took 200 mgs ursolic acid with that. The fat makes it absorb. This and igf-1 work well together because the ursolic upregulates igf receptors. Adding in the mgf (igf) should be interesting. Trained legs today. The sdmz 5.0 hasn't really kicked in yet should later this week.

Today legs:

Hack squats:
225 X 8
275 X 8 X 2

High leg press:
405 X 8
525 X 8 X 2

Standing leg curls:
80 X 10 X 3 X R&L

one leg ext:
80 X 10 X 3 X R&L

Standing calf raises:
250 X 50 X 3
I did 4.1 miles cardio on the treadmill today.The reason I wasn't fasted is because I got started later and it's hard not to eat when on the MK. I only ate a lean cuisine meal tho so I would call it semi-fasted. I took some oral 7-dhea pre cardio to help with fat burning. Felt really good today and yesterday. This is a feel good stack and I think it's starting to kick in a little. Training yesterday was back and tris.

Tues back & tris:
supinated grip pulldowns:
170 X 10 X 3

120 X 10 X 2

Underhand row:
135 X 10
185 X 10 X 2

close grip bench:
135 X 10 X 3 elbows better but still going easy on it.

Cybex tri ext:
62.5 X 10 X 2

Cybex tri press:
150 X 10 X 3
In for this, def thinking of running this when I get back to the UK.
I pushed chest & bis back till tomorrow. Trained delts yesterday and my right shoulder was bothering me when I was trying to sleep last night. Did about 4.5 miles of cardio instead. I think I'll be fine for training tomorrow. Think I'm going to add some yohimbine hcl into the mix. Want to keep it lean and I already gained 8 lbs. Going to add in mgf next week. I do it preworkout to help shuttle carbs the DES is a little better but the mgf works too.

Thurs delts & abs:
Cybex OHP:
140 X 10
150 X 10
160 X 10

Cybex reverse flies:
70 X 10 X 3

One arm lat raises:
80 X 10 X 3

Cybex abs:
60 X 30 X 3

Cybex low abs:
25 X 110 X 3

Back ext:
135 X 20 X 3
Did chest & biceps today. I can tell the SDMZ 5.0 is starting to kick in. strength should be better the next time. Recovery has been pretty good all along. The Cybex chest press kinda mimics decline so I'm hittin all angles on bench. My goal is to get a good max on flat by the end of cycle.

Sat chest & bis:
Flat bench:
135 X 10
185 X 8
205 X 6

Cybex plate loaded chest press:
200 X 8
230 X 8 X 2
250 X 5

Incline bench:
180 X 8 X 2

Cybex flies:
150 X 10 X 2

Cable ez curls:
110 X 10 X 3

Incline curls:
35s X 8 X 2

Cybex conc curls:
75 X 10 X 3
Ok. I need to catch up. I did cardio on monday. About 4 miles outside. Yesterday I trained legs and added preworkout mgf at 66.6 mcgs. Just did it subq yesterday, will take bilaterally today. This enhances carb uptake by agonizin g igf-1receptors. It also agonizes insulin receptors but not that much. The DEZ is the best version to do this with but I have done this before and it seems to work.

Tues leg training:

Hack squats:
225 X 8
275 X 8 X 2

Hi squat press: I always call it high leg press but "squat press" is what it saya on machine.
405 X 8
545 X 6 X 2

standing leg curls:
80 X 10 X 3 X R&L

Leg ext:
80 X 10 X 3 X R&L

Standing calf raises:
250 X 50 X 3
I trained back & tris yesterday. After drinking 60 grams of malto/dextrose, 8 grams of creatine and 47 grams of whey/soy protein. I injected 66 mcgs of mgf bilaterally in delts. I also drank a rockstar energy drink during wo. The drink has 64 grams of carbs mostly dextrose. I was in keto before I drank the first drink. My body always goes into ketosis overrnight because my brain is yuge! After the workout, I had a keto recovery meal. I gave some time for fluids to clear and checked for ketones and was already beck in. This stuff is great for doing a TKD! It seems to be doing the carb shuttling thing also. Mgf is basically IGF-1. It isn't quite as good as the DES but works. I had also taken 200/200 mcgs of DAC/GHRP-2 earlier in the morning so igf-1 was high from that also. Taking MK the night before didn't hurt anything either.

Wed back & tris:

Supinated grip pulldowns:
170 X 10 X 3

120 X 10 X 2

Underhand rows:
135 X 10
185 X 10 X 2

Close grip bench:
135 X 10 X 3 still having problems with elbow

Cybex tri ext:
62.5 X 10 X 2

Cybex trcep press:
150 X 10 X 3
I did 3 + miles fasted cardio today. Trained delts & core yesterday. Still doing the mgf and targeted carbs. Yesterday I ate more carbs post and was a little slower going back in. Today I cheated more than I stayed in. This is a gainer tho gotta eat some carbs. It wasn't because I got around chick fil a :p They have a thing downtown tomorrow where you sample all the restaurants stuff. I'm doing carb up anyway so this ought to be good.

Thurs delts & abs:

Cybex OHP:
140 X 10
150 X 10
160 X 10

Cybex reverse flies:
70 X 10 X 3

One arm lat raises:
80 X 10 X 3 X R&L

Cybex abs:
60 X 30 X 3

Cybex lo abs:
110 X 25 X 3

Back ext:
135 X 20 X 3
The carb up has been nice. Ate a lot of food yesterday and today. The bad thing is my elbow. Felt a pop while benching yesterday and it was really tender after that. I put enanthate back in today. One of the problem with the 4-andro is it don't aromatize much. I need the E to help the joints. I don't think I'm injured bad but I have to be careful. Stopped doing pushdowns awhile back and doing light close grip but reg bench hasn't been a problem. Wish I could find some trest. I'll change from ohp to uprights rows when doing delts. Pull movements haven't been a problem. Still did the preworkout carbs and went back in keto quickly been doing a refeed every since lol.

Sat chest & bis:

Flat bench:
135 X 10
195 X 4 this was the set when it popped. The plan was 2 sets with 225 but had to change it.
195 X 6
225 X 4 couldn't even do the plate loaded press with heavies. Might just do all light next week.

Incline bench:
110 X10 X 2

Cybex flies:
100 X 10 X 2

Alt curls:
35s X 10 R&L X 2

Incline curls:
35s X 8 X 2

Cybex conc curl:
75 X 10 X 3
Nice workout today. Strength is good and still feel really good. Elbow can't mess with legs anyway. Still doing preworkout carbs and creatine. Got the belly bloat thing going on. If I were going to get to play with big bench as planned the creatine thing would be perfect. Oh well, get my E up a little more and I'll be fine. Can't take the AI out just need something that aromatizes heavily. I got a feeling dbol will be part of the next cycle.

Tues legs:

Hack squats:
225 X 8
275 X 8 X 2

High leg press:
405 x 8
545 X 6 X 2

Standing leg curls:
80 X 10 X 3 X R&L

Leg ext:
80 X 10 X 3 X R&L

Standing calf raises:
250 X 50 X 3

Did 3 miles fasted cardio yesterday. Haven't exactly been perfect on diet lately but at least I got that in.
Workout went well today. Still feeling good. Didn't even let the elbow thing bum me out. Went up on the pulldowns and had to take stretch movements down a tad. Still doing a TKD. Well sort of tkd. Been doing extra carbs a bit but not totally off.

Wed back & tris:

Supinated grip pulldowns:
180 X 10 X 3

100 X 10 X 2

Reverse grip rows:
135 X 10
185 X 10 X 2

close grip bench:
135 X 10 X 3

Cybex tri ext:
50 X 10 X 2

Cybex tri press:
150 X 10 X 3
I did fasted cardio on thurs. Friday was delts and core. I took the day off from training today. Figured it would be a good idea to get my elbow feeling a bit better before last bench day of cycle. So I'll be doing bench and bis monday. I feel strong and have gained about 8 lbs. Still pretty lean. I would def recommend the SDMZ 5.0. Feel great on it and strength is good. The elbow thing just messed me up a bit.

Thurs delts & core:

Upright rows: switched to these so elbow could get a rest. This is a stretch move for delts.
135 X 6 X 3

One arm lat raises:
80 X 10 X 3 X R&L

Cybex reverse flies:
70 X 10 X 3

Cybex abs:
60 X 30 X 3

Cybex low abs:
110 X 25 X 3

Cybex back ext:
135 X 20 X 3
Keep smashing this log Seabiscuit_! How u feel on the 5.0?
I'm at the end of it but I'm glad you asked about how I feel on this stack. One of the best points I could make is about how it makes you. I added some enanthate into the cycle and between that and the compounds in the SDMZ 5.0 I felt great!
Yesterday was the last day of my Super DMZ 5.0 cycle. I did fasted cardio yesterday but monday I got my last bench day in. It was improved because I got the inflamation down in my elbow. Would have much rathered foing this without my elbow aggravating the hell out of me. I still would say this product is very good. My strength would have done much better. You get nice lean dry gains with this and should be even better for cutting.

Monday chest & bis:
235 X 10
185 X 8 X 2
225 X 6

Cybex chest press:
140 X 10 X 3 took it easy on elbow. I'm bridging into another so I gotta get better.

Incline bench:
140 X 10 X 2 took it easy here too but hetting better

Cybex flies:
110 X 10 X 2

Cable curls:
110 X 10 X 2

Incline curls:
35s X 8 X 2

Cybex conc curls:
75 X 10 X 3

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