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Seabiscuit Hogg does PCT with Anabolic Matrix Rx

Here's starter pic. Gonna do the big no/no and diet down in pct.

I had some testicular atrophy when I started. Seems to have gotten slightly better already. AIs are amazing for this. When using steroidal AIs during PCT, the results were amazing. Chrysin really does have an AI effect so this might go really well.

This is a good test because I've been on awhile. I did the the epi-andro cycle and then the R-andro. Before that was running some other gear. Gonna log lifting for me and to see how strength holds. Will also be telling about libido and nut size haha. I typically run nolva at 20, 20, 10, 10. That was even with tren/test so that's enough. I did add extra wks of 10 mgs sometimes.

Did cardio yesterday and legs today. Lifts were the same and that's good. Hasn't been long enough to tell yet tho.

Leg day:

135 X 10
225 X 8
275 X 6 x 2

Feet forward Smith squats:
225 X 8
275 X 6 X 2

SL deads:
185 X 8 X 2

Standing leg curls:
70 X 10 X 3 X R&L

Leg ext:
70 X 10 X 3 X R&L
I don't feel like I'm shut down as bad as I could be already. Was quite amazed looking at studies about chrysin. I'm one who believes in an AI for pct but still thought studies showing elevated test were pretty amazing.

Didn't recover from leg work as quickly as I have been but feel ok. Actually still have a sex drive. Will be back to normal pretty soon.

Did 4 mile cardio walk today. I have to change core and calf work farther from leg day.
I started 7-dhea yesterday for fat burning and anti-catabolic effects. Everything seems to be going OK. My guess is gnads will be fully back in a wk or so. The AI, dhea, maca and 7-dhea are going to keep endo test up and protect muscle.

I just skipped core work hips get to hurting and that workout messes with me pretty bad. Going to mix it up soon. When abs do come in, I want them tight. Anyway, I did back and delts yesterday and took today off. I did refeed on carbs a bit today tho. :)

Back & delts:

Incline bench:
160 X 10
190 X 10 X 2

One arm machine lat raises:
80 X 10 X R&L
90 X 10 X 2 X R&L

Cybex reverse flies:
90 X 10 X 3

Supinated grip pulldowns:
170 X 10 X 3

Nautilus pullovers:
120 X 8 X 2

Reverse grip rows: had to play around with these. Haven't done them for awhile.
135 X 10
155 X 10
175 X 10
185 X 8

Nautilus OHP:
140 X 6
150 X 6
160 X 6
I did my regular chest, bis and tris workout yesterday. Strength was down slightly on the flat. Everything else was pretty much the same. Legs is gonna be a good test tomorrow. I'll prolly do reg POF leg workout.

Sat chest, bis & tris:
135 X 10
185 X 8 X 2

Close grip:
135 X 10 X 2

Cybex fly machine:
160 X 10 X 2

10 degree chest:
120 X 2

Cable ez curls:
110 X 10 X 2

Incline curls:
40s X 8 X 2

Cybex conc curls:
75 X 10 X 3

Cybex tricep press:
150 X 8 X 3
I did about 5 miles walking for fasted cardio today. Yesterday I did 10 X 10 of the feet forward squats. These are a stretch movement in POF training. They take the place of "sissy squats".

PCT is going very well. I'm continuing to get leaner. The 7-keto dhea speeds up fat burning and also helps preserve muscle.

Feet forward smith squats:
135 X 10
185 X 10
205 X 10
225 X 10 X 7
Did 4 miles of fasted cardio walking today. Started to do it on the treadmill but it was beautiful outside so I did that. The 7-keto seems to be speeding up the fat burning. Some people won't diet down at all during PCT but this is working pretty well.

I trained delts and back yesterday. Strength is holding pretty good. The gnads are really close to normal. The Anabolic Matrix is a nice addition to PCT.

Back & delts:

Incline bench:
160 X 10
180 X 10
190 X 10

Machine one arm lat raises:
80 X 10 X R&L
90 X 10 X R&L X 2

Cybex reverse flies:
70 X 10 X 3

Supinated grip pulldowns:
170 X 10 X 3

120 X 8 X 2

Reverse grip rows:
155 X 10
185 X 10 X 2

Nautilus OHP:
140 X 8
150 X 8
160 X 8
Pct is going good. Gnads are back and libido is normal. Anabolic Matrix has everything to do with it. Doing two caps twice a day. I take serms all at once. Always did it that

Trained chest, bis and tris sat. Strength has leveled, training was good. Still dieting down but did three cheat days in a row. Using ALA to get in ketosis is pretty cool. I can eat carb meals and go right back in.

Sat chest, bis and tris:

Flat bench:
135 X 10
185 X 8 X 2

Close grip:
135 X 10 X 2

Cybex flies:
160 X 10 X 2

10 degree chest:
120 X 10 X 2

Cable easy curls:
110 X 10 X 2

Incline curls:
40s X 10 X 2

Cybex tricept press:
150 X 10 X 3

Cybex conc curls:
75 X 10 X 3
I did 4.1 miles fasted cardio on treadmill yesterday. I was hurting a bit in my hips so I kicked legs over to today. The pct is going great esp since I had been on so long. Strength was the same today as it was in leg workouts during cycle. Test must be kickin pretty good. Never had terrible libido during the pct and it's pretty much back. Not bad in the middle of pct.

Todays leg workout:

135 X 10
225 X 8
275 X 6 X 2

Feet forward smith squats:
225 X 8
275 X 6 X 2

SL deads:
175 X 10 X 2

Standing leg curls:
70 X 10 X 3 X R&L

One leg ext:
70 X 10 X 3 X R&L
Did 4 miles fasted cardio walking yesterday. It's great doing this outside instead of on the treadmill everything is budding and blooming and the air outside is a lot better! My times are getting shorter too. Torn between finishing pct or just starting trt. I'm thinking it might be a good idea at my age. Strength isn't terrible and "the boyz are back in town" but would probably hold gains better.

I did delts and back today. The workout is pretty close to what I did on. Still think the next cycles going to be wild gain wise.

Delts and back:

Incline bench:
160 X 10
180 X 10
190 X 10

One arm cybex lat raises:
80 X 10 X 3 X R&L

cybex reverse flies:
70 X 10
75 X 10
80 X 10

Supinated gtip pulldowns:
170 X 10 X 3

120 X 8 X 2

Reverse grip barbell rows:
155 X 10
185 X 10 X 2

Cybex OHP:
140 X 8
150 X 8
160 X 8 sounds light I know but delts were pre-exhausted
I did about 4 miles cardio walking yesterday. Today was chest, bis &tris. Strength leveled off seen cycle. My flat bench is crappy because of my elbow. My incline is better that flat it's weird. Wouldn't be better on a max tho.

Flat bench:
135 X 10
185 X 10
185 X 10

Close grip:
135 X 10 X 2

Cybex flies:
160 X 10 X 2

10 degree chest:
120 X 10 X

Cable ez curls:
110 X 10 X 2

Incline curls:
40s X 8 X 2

Cybex tricep press:
150 X 8 X 3

Cybex conc curl:
75 X 10 X 3
I just did some cardio walking today. Only a liitle over 3 miles. I took 10 mgs of MK-677 last night so getting myself to do fasted anything was hard. The Anabolic Matrix is doing it's job because I took the 10X10 feet forward squats up anoth notch yesterday.
Won't be long till 225 straight across. The gnads are fully back. I'm also aiding maintaining muscle by taking ursolic acid.

Feet forward smith machine squats:
135 X 10
185 X 10
225 X 10 X 8
Workout went well today. Strength is the same as the last time I did this one. Vascularity is kinda wild. You would think I were on. Hardnes is kinda like that too. I did delts and back today. Really need to put my core work back in, im getting pretty lean.

Delts & back:

Incline bench:
160 X 10
180 X 10
190 X 10

One arm cybex lat raises:
80 X 10 X 3 X R&L

Cybex reverse flies:
70 X 10 X 3

Supinated grip pulldowns:
170 X 10 X 3

120 X 8 X 2

Reverse grip rows:
155 X 10
185 X 10 X 2

Cybex OHP:
140 X 8
150 X 8
160 X 8
I did chest and bis yesterday. Moving tris to back day for next log. It's gonna be a 4 day split so I can work on power while gaining. Had this weird swelling at top of my spine when I started lifting. I hope I didn't somehow reinjure my neck. A neck separation was one of the injuries I had. Didn't notice any pain or anything. Using a heating pad right now. What's weird is it doesn't even hurt.

Flat bench:
135 X 10
195 X 6 X 2

Cybex flies:
160 X 10 X 2

10 degree chest:
120 X 10 X 3

cable ez curls:
110 X10 X 2

Incline bench curls:
40s X 8 X 2

Cybex conc curls:
75 X 10 X 3
I took the day off from lifting. It was leg day but flipprd it and did cardio walking instead. Only did about 3 miles. The swelling is still at the top of my back. It being right where the spine is instead of of a swollen muscle is scary. I still don't have any pain to speak of. It's sore but a disc problem would really hurt. I'm at that age where everyone else has these issues and after what my body went thru...

Will do legs tomorrow without putting a bar against it. It will be hack squats and leg press for awhile. Still going for changing to four day split. I think it will be aright. Will go see doc soon anyway.

I did start test back for some estrogen help for joints. Also dropped the MK because a lot of GH makes inflammation worse. Get the swelling down then start the MK back.
I started my new leg workout yesterday. It's something I did before because I have work with issues from injuries. The swelling at the top of my back is really just something the body does to protect the spine when you have had disc injuries. I'm just glad it isn't a new problem.

Yesterdays legs:

Hack squat:
135 X 10
225 X 10
275 X 8

High leg press:
315 X 10
405 X 10
505 X 8

leg ext:
70 X 10 X 3 X R&L

Standing leg curls:
70 X 10 X 3 X R&L

standing calf raises:
250 X 50 X 3
I've been taking this since I logged it. Pretty nice sleeping 8+ hrs and dreaming all the way thru.

I've been taking this since I logged it. Pretty nice sleeping 8+ hrs and dreaming all the way thru.

We were discussing this on PHF and I thought I should share this with you guys also.

Not sure if you're talking about the same addiction lol. I'm not physically addicted, even tho it does have kratom in it. I'm addicted to the enhanced sleep and peptides benefit. The mucuna in it upregulates the GHRH receptor. The kratom kicks the nightimes pulses higher. I think the aminos in it probably act as a somatostatin inhibitor. The study that shows an increase in GH thru melanotan, shows the dose to be 10 mgs. I'm not sure what the mechanism is for that but I only take one Dream n Grow and 5 mgs of melanotan to stretch a bottle for 60 days. I put the MK 677 back in. 10 mgs of that keeps a perpetual GHRP thing going on. If I take more than that, I get the lethargy and extreme ghrelin effect.
I'm also taking DAC and all this works together.
I did my last day of Anabolic Matrix Rx a few days ago and need to review a bit. During the 30 days I was mostly in PCT. Held on to strength and size pretty good cosidering I was completely off. I had of bit of a problem with joints because of AI. When I added in trt at the end, joints were better. Peptides wear my joints out anyway.

The best use for this product would be to add it in when cruising. Works for PCT too but I need little more than endo test for joints. Would probably be fine for you younger guys. I'm
old enough to be most of you guys dad lol. Anyway, excellent product for increasing anabolic effect of endo test or trt.

For guys not using gear or cycling off, I would highly recommend Anabolic Matrix Rx.

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