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Sinewave3 Hits It Hard With The New Androhard

Friday weighed in at 184lbs. Trained upper body. Did a bunch of shoulder rehab moves but also some solid rows, pull-ups, and dumbbell bench with the bench 1 notch above flat. Went for reps on that and had a great upper body pump all afternoon!

Saturday and Sunday were days 41 and 42. Sunday went on a hike in the woods with the dog and the Mrs for about an hour. Kept the calories and carbs under strict control both days. Had been feeling a bit of bloat creeping back...

Yesterday was day 43. Weight was 181 and did legs.
Felt a bit tight from the hike and then not stretching afterward, so started with some foam rolling. Got the calves, hammies, glutes, and low back really good. Did some abs and good mornings with just the bar to get my core and back warmed up then did deadlifts. Went pretty heavy, worked up to what was a 3 rep max a few weeks ago. Felt great, almost easy, for 3 so rested and then blasted out 5 more reps!

Felt hungry all day. Tried not to go nuts on the calories, but my body was screaming for calories after the weekend.

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Yesterday was day 44. Bottle is really low but still putting out! Weighed in at 182. I am guessing that my daily 10 pumps is about 5 ml.

So warmed up and had another great session. Worked out with my buddy again so spent first few minutes jabbering about work. You know, commiserating on shared BS we both face, even though he is in another department and pretty high up.

Started with band pullaparts and hit a bunch of angles. These help warm up my shoulders and really get the rear delts activated. Then hit some abs. Next was cable rows, moderately heavy, but for some higher reps. Super set these with 1 arm shoulder press 10 reps per set) and did 3 sets total. Super set of biceps and side delts for a pump, then on to chest flys, end DB bench. Shoulder joints were starting to feel a bit cranky from too much chest not enough back, but oh well. Time was up so I went back to the office.

Pretty hungry again. Kept the calories clean and a bit under 3000. Dinner was a big salad with Thai peanut dressing and extra nuts, chicken burgers on the grill, and a big yam/sweet potato. Usually I add some cheese to my burgers, but resisted, did not want to go too crazy on the calories.

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Vascularity has been crazy last couple weeks! This was after applying the gel, and it's just as good if not better when lifting.

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Wednesday was off day, just did a bunch of foam rolling and a bit of stretching. Calories were dialed in at 2400-2500

Thursday was day 46 and did legs woe some volume. Weighed in at 181. Did the heavy ball squat tosses, weighted step ups, hyperextensions, abs and calves. Got like 13000 steps on my Fitbit and rode my bike all over town looking for fuses to fix my car.

I was kind of raging today and really had to remember to keep my temper under control. Lots of personal/work/family stuff going on and then the car crapped out when the Mrs was food shopping put me over the edge.

Yesterday was day 47 and weighed in at 179. Upper body workout and tried to go for some time under tension. Work was crazy so the workout was cut a bit short. Warmed up quick and went into lat pull downs. Tried to do these slow with a hard squeeze at the bottom. Last 3 sets I did a set of push-ups too. Next was seated shoulder press super set with rear delt flys. Last was a superset of cable rows and bench dips. Kept the reps high on both for the volume and pump. Lats and triceps had a crazy pump at the end! Calories were ??? Clean, but then the Mrs made some brownies cause I have been at the new job 3 years now. Gotta celebrate sometimes!

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Saturday was day 48 and going to be an off day, but did the Fitnessblender 100 squat challenge with the Mrs. It's on YouTube, look it up for a decent body weight workout. Their channel has a bunch of stuff, some is pretty good. After the squats we did some planks and calves. Got to support your woman when she wants to workout! Also took the dog for a walk for an hour or so.

Yesterday was off too, but busted my butt around the yard mowing, hauling compost, shoveling, etc. cracked 13k steps on the Fitbit! Did some foam rolling on the back and glutes but still a little sore and stiff this morning. Hoping to get back in the groove come gym time...

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Monday was day 50, weight holding steady at 181. Calories were 3200 good thing it was leg day.

Warmed up but could not get a rack fro squats. Started to do some hyperextentions then deadlifts, when a rack opened up. Switched mid stream to squats. Rushed up the pyramid, bit of weight, squat, weight, another set with minimal rest. Everything going good till it got heavy. Missed the weight I got 2 sets of 3 on so just lowered the weight for a few sets of 12 and called it a day.

Still at 10 pumps a day but the bottle is almost out.

Yesterday was upper body. Again weighed in at 181. Tried 25 mg oral trest pre workout. Shoulder has been complaining a bit so did some volume and focused on back. Warmed up, stretched the shoulders with the pipe. Some people call these shoulder "dislocations" basically hold the pipe at waist and keep arms straight while raising it overhead then lower to your butt.

Next was lat pull, then pull ups super set with cable chest press. Did 3 sets. On to low cable cross over row and side felt super set, last sets were rope tri extension and rope lat pull. Had an amazing chest and back pump! Calories were a bit high, 3100. Was hungry all day! Been really tracking everything in MyFitnessPal.

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Wednesday ended up being an off day. Was a coworkers 40th birthday so went out to lunch with the team. I alway bring my lunch and try to prep a bunch of healthy meals, so this was a big change from the routine: pizza! Knew it was coming so had a light breakfast and light dinner as well. Calories were 2700, but 1500 of that was lunch.

Yesterday was day 53, weight was 182 and felt like an extra lb of bloat from the pizza, lol. Workout was legs. Ad 500 mg oral epi pre again. Foam rolled, did some abs and hypertensions, then deads. Worked up to what I thought was going to be a heavy triple, but lost my concentration half way through so only got 1.5 reps. I know I had more in me though. Finished with a few sets of reverse lunges 3 sets of 10 each leg. Kinda felt like back pumps were trying to sneak up on me... got home and did maybe a half hour of foam rolling and really digging around with a lacrosse ball.

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Friday was day 54. Weighed in at 180lbs

Did upper body workout and focused on some heavy bench. Warmed up with some cable rows for high reps and moderate weight, put in a few sets of push-ups, and some band pull aparts, then on to bench. Worked up to a heavy triple, but felt strong so put on a little more weight and got another triple. Felt like I might have had another rep, but did not want to push it too far. Wrapped up with some rear delt flys and high rep lat pull downs. Old shoulder injury was bugging me just a bit the next day, but not bad. I think I got the intensity just right, if I went any harder I might have paid the price.
Calories were good, about 2900.

Saturday was an off day. Had work training type still most of the weekend so minimal activity. Saturday calories were about 2800 but that included a couple drinks with some friends.

Yesterday was off, calories were 2500, got a bit more activity but still no lifting. Still at 10 pumps but yesterday of today will be the last of The Androhard as the pump was sputtering last night. I will post a summary of my thoughts in the nest couple days.

Please post up any questions.

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Final summary!

This was a great run for me. AndroHard gave me good strength gains, pumps, and muscle hardness without any significant sides.

Took a while for the full effects to kick in, I would say there is a timeline a bit like this:
Week 1, getting the hang of the lotion and a bit of mood boost, libido up a bit.
Week 2 mood better, libido, and strength barely going up muscles getting hard, like they are flexed all day,
week 3 strength really climbing, pumps getting good, libido a little down? Prob more from stress though.
week 4 and higher: pumps better yet, mood and strength starting to level off some.

Muscle hardness, this started to kick in after the first week
Mood: felt great! This started to kick in quick, a few days after starting. This is in contrast to regular epiandro which can make me rage. AndroHard is less stimulating for me than epiandro and provides more of a calm alpha feeling that is great.
Strength: added weight to all of my lifts. Added reps as well. I have a few past injuries and feel like I am almost at my ore injury strength levels.
Carrier: this is my new favorite transdermal! I hope IML makes more products using this carrier. It is better than all of the other mainstream carriers out there. The pump can be tricky to assemble, but the carrier is like a lotion. Goes on smooth, dries fast, no irritation or crystals left over. I also like he smell. My woman has a sensitive nose and she did not once complain about this stuff, so that's a win right there!

Side effects:
These were mostly minimal. I noticed like many compounds it was easy to become dehydrated. Stay on your water intake. Muscle hardness was almost like stiffness at times. Be sure to warm up and ease into intense workouts or other activities, and don't forget to stretch some.
Occasional cramps. These only happened a couple times, might be water related. Temper did flare a few times, but just had to take a deep breath and keep myself in check.

I tried to keep my calories a bit under maintenance for most of this cycle and at maintenance or a hair over on leg days. Was not the most consistent, but gave it a good effort. My weight stayed the same throughout the cycle, but body fat went down. Stomach and love handles shrunk, quads and pecs bigger. Gained some minor ab definition, quad separation, and shoulder definition. I was maybe 15-16% body fat at the start and now maybe 13-14%

1 bottle is dosed well. I suspect that 2 pumps is closer to 1ml so my 10 pumps a day was about 5 ml so 500 mg of active hormones a day. I did add in some oral epiandro pre workout last few days. This made my temper and aggression stronger which is good in he gym, but had to watch it outside the weight room.

2 bottles of AndroHard would be a great solo run, but one is enough for a beginner cycle or to stack with other compounds or orals, or to use a s a dry test base.

Thanks again to IML and the team! I think they have a home run with this product.

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