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Super DMZ RX 3.0 by IronMagLabs PCT Bridge Log


Dec 27, 2013
Reaction score


I'm logging my experience with Super DMZ 3.0 as a PCT bridge. Will include weight and strength kept/gained as well as any other details. Starting today with test cycle ending 1JAN2014. Will continue with DMZ for an additional 3.5 weeks until PCT. Will also be using HCG, adex, and Torem during bridge. As always, no Tylenol, no booze, and lots of h2o.


6' 2"
197 lbs (Starting weight this cycle was 178 lbs)
~15% BF
790lbs Total
Day 3-

Yesterday was an off day, so I took one cap AM, and one cap mid afternoon.

Today took one cap upon waking and one cap about 45 minutes before heading to the park with the prowler. My cardio is tanked right now anyways, but today seemed especially bad. It could be that I've been fighting a cold all week. Doing 50 yard pushes at full speed with about 150 lbs sled weight, finished by an all out 200 yard ass kicker back to the truck. Thought I was going to puke and die, and it now feels like I've been kicked in both ass cheeks by a mule, and my calves are on fire. That's a nice new addition I haven't had on cycle no matter how hard I pushed my legs.

Will report more after over head press tomorrow.
Can you post before and after pics?

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Not a bodybuilder mate, and I'm not trying to use this for mass building. Sorry about that. This is purely about keeping/gaining strength from my ending cycle. If mass is kept/gained, that's purely a side effect.

The good news is, strength and intensity were way up today. Body weight was down a pound, but that's a common fluctuation for me.
Day 4:

Military press today, and the intensity was there in spades. I was ready to tear the bar in two. Set a PR - 6 reps @ 90% of training max. I haven't been able to push past minimum reps in 2 months, I've just barely been adding my 5 pounds a month, and last week it was everything I had to push out 5 @ 85%.

I then did 5 sets x 15 lat raises, 5 x 10 pull ups, 5 x 20 each arm cross pull downs, and 5 x 10 lat pull downs. My shoulders feel engorged with blood, but not weakened, which is awesome.

I'm off to go kick a bear in the balls, rip the door off a cop car, eat the crotch out of a rag doll, and ride my bike to the coffee shop.

Well, probably just ride my bike to the coffee shop.
Day 7:

Weight is steady at 197.

Workouts have been good. Feel pumped, and like I have more left in the tank at the end.

Sorry about the lack of detail, but I've been pretty busy with the family. I am certainly feeling the DMZ though. Will give more details this weekend.
Day 9:

Bench press was great. Still feeling like I have more left in the tank. Cardio has been back up, and I've really been hitting it. I can certainly tell it's there by the calf and neck pumps and cramps constantly over the last couple days. Weight is up another pound.

The only problem is, my blood pressure shot waaayyy up. Like, Wednesday and Thursday I took it a couple times and it was 160/77 :eek:

Normally off cycle I'm about 115/60, and on the cycle so far I've been in the low 130's, which I expected. This huge spike I didn't anticipate, and I'm trying to get it down through all means possible without pulling the plug on the DMZ. So far I've gotten it consistently down to the low 140's through much added cardio, and cutting all but essential salt from my diet. I'm also drinking so much water I'm worried I might piss myself at any moment.

As long as I can get it controlled down to the 130's again, I'll continue because like I said, I can feel a difference.
Broke 200lbs today :D

Heavy squats followed by 16 25yd prowler push sprints @ 150lb sled weight.

BP is still hovering in the mid 140's at rest, but I'm hoping dietary and cardio changes will continue to push it down. Also the test is clearing, so that should help too. I'm evaluating daily, but I'm holding out that it keeps dropping.
Wow... That BP is crazy... I knew that it increased when taking "supps" but I never really seen anyone track it, nor have I tracked it... may be something i do in the future! Be safe!
Had things to do yesterday that postponed training until today, but heavy sets of military press went off without a hitch, along with assistance exercise. Weight was 201 this morning, but the HCG is causing bloat and my tits felt like I on a date with Ted Bundy all day. I'm guessing the HCG may have more to do with the BP spike than anything else. The good news is that insane cardio and super healthy eating have reduced me to consistently sub 130 levels again and I'm upping my dex and Torem to fend off any other little nasties.

One thing is for sure, my calves hurt and feel pumped all day, as does my lower back. I'm hoping that's the DMZ, and not my pregnancy weight.
Wow... That BP is crazy... I knew that it increased when taking "supps" but I never really seen anyone track it, nor have I tracked it... may be something i do in the future! Be safe!

You should!!

I will brother. You do likewise!
Ok, BP is hovering in the 130's most readings, which is good and I'm okay with that level.

Deads yesterday, bench today. Weight dropped back down to 199 after I stepped the dex up, but I'm noticeably harder as the test clears and the DMZ builds. Strength is holding well. This is my heaviest week of my meso cycle and I set a rep PR of 8 @95% training max, so 8 reps of 85% 1RM.

One of the main things I've noticed is the almost constant muscle pumps all day. I was carrying some propane tanks about a quarter mile and my forearms and shoulders started to burn and pump almost immediately. By the time I got where I was going my shoulders felt like they were going to explode and my forearms were so pumped it was difficult to open and close my hands for a couple minutes. It's pretty epic.
Deload week. Not much to report in the way of PR's or anything, but pumps are truly insane. I'm doing pretty intense grip strength training, and my forearms are starting to look like Popeye by the time I get done.

I'm down to 197 lbs, which was to be expected with the test clearing and the ridiculously clean diet, but I am looking hard as the bloat fades.

BP is still over 140 some readings, but no higher. It's lingering in the 130's most of the time.

Big thanks again to IML and HeavyIron. This is making for a great transition to PCT.
Back to lifting heavy this week. New meso cycle, all weights upped. Pushing through them like butter. It's 21 days since my last stick, so I'm approaching regular physiological test levels. I had such a pump growing that I had a zit explode on my arm doing lat lifts. It was actually less gross and more cool than it sounds.

Weight holding steady @197. Libido still great. Last HCG stick today. PCT starts next Monday, and I'll take the log through PCT.
Sorry for the delay in update, but there hasn't been much to report. Weight is holding at 197, but my strength is finally starting to taper off some. Was unable to complete my on cycle 95% of 1RM + 5lbs military press last night. Will have to make some adjustments on that lift for this next meso cycle BP is back down in the 120's, and I'm starting to feel less like I got beat in a back alleyway, although my thoughts have been weird and introspective lately. Lots of thinking about missed opportunities and reliving memories gone.