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Gdblu's 'Hopefully I don't eff this up' log... (EpiTren/EpiAndro)


Mar 27, 2014
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I’ve never kept a log before, so this is a new experience for me. But, then, I’ve only done one cycle prior to this so there’s not been much reason to.

To elaborate on the title of this log: After a 9-month bulk (fulk) in 2013, I ran my first cycle (Epi @ 36mg for 6 weeks) in Oct ’13 with the expectation of cutting some of the fat I’d put on, and the Epi was to help retain the LBM and strength I’d gained, as I always lose both, significantly, on a cut. Well, one week into the cut I started to feel like I was “wasting” the cycle, so I ramped my calories up (read: I was eating buffets every single day, and sometimes twice a day…) and decided to continue bulking. Granted, I got strong as hell and didn’t put on as much fat I would have without help of a cycle, but I still failed to follow-through with my initial goal and I was 25lb fatter than I should have been. Even though I was proud of the strength gains and PRs, I feel like I eff’d that situation up. It’s hard for me to stick to cutting because in the back of my mind, strength is always my motivation and driving force, so when my strength starts to plummet, so does my discipline.

That brings us to 2014. I ran CKD for 11 weeks and averaged a loss of 1.3lb/week, then started having trouble returning to keto after my carb-ups (not getting back into ketosis, but actually putting the carbs down). They went from 36 hours to to 60 hours in week 10 to 84 hours in week 11… I needed a break, mentally, plus there was the whole strength loss aspect, so I added carbs back in the last week of March. In the first week I had the normal carb/water bloat, as expected, but the second week my measurements calculated out to a 1% BF gain, and that had me worried. After going back and forth all weekend, I decided that I needed to focus on losing the fat this year, and that I could worry about strength once I figured out where I should be in the grand scheme of things.

My stack arrived Monday, 7 April, and I was thinking about returning to Keto on a bigger deficit and using the cycle to keep strength/LBM stable, like last year. I took my first dose yesterday morning, Tuesday, and then hit the gym that evening and put up numbers I haven’t seen in 3 months. I know it’s not because of the PHs, it’s because after 2 weeks of carbing-up (over maintenance, too, I might add; For dinner, Sunday night, I ate an entire box of pancake mix and chugged a half-gallon of milk…) my stamina and strength was starting to return. Obviously, I was beside myself, so I’m going to put off Keto for now and try to enjoy this cycle. My hope is to avoid last year’s pitfall of binging and control my calorie intake with a little more discipline.

Monday I weighed in at 228, just over 20%. I know that’s fatter than most, and probably fatter than you’d recommend for being on-cycle, but strength loss kills me and I’m one of those guys that loses strength on a cut, no matter how small of a deficit (whether it’s IIFYM, Keto, or anything). Plus, I hope to walk around at 15%, so I’m not looking to get to single digits or anything. I'm also coming up on 40 and have low test (below 300, but no TRT), so I need a little help, anyway. I’ve bumped my calories up to 3500 (about 300 over maintenance) aiming for around 225g protein and 115g fat. I’m lifting M/Tu/Th/F doing 5/3/1, and I think I’m gonna add Wednesdays in to do some power work (power cleans, snatches, etc). My stack is EpiTren at 4 caps and EpiAndro at 3 caps, plus cycle support. I’m hoping to reduce bodyfat on the Tren, plus retain or even add some lean mass with the small surplus, all while retaining or gaining strength. After my 6 week cycle and PCT, then I’ll try going back on Keto with Osta (and maybe Lean Fuel Extreme) to shred down some more.

So Day 1 was yesterday, Tuesday, 8 April 14. There probably won’t be much to report for the first 2 weeks, so during this period I’ll try to just update you every few days instead of boring you with daily reports of little, actual information. I see a lot of people post their daily workouts, but I can't imagine anyone really cares how many sets or reps I'm doing from day to day unless I'm setting new PRs. Is there anything in particular you'd like to see in a log?
Day 4:

I tape myself and do ‘official’ weigh-ins on Friday mornings, a habit I picked up on CKD so that I could get the most accurate reading as possible right before my carb-ups, and with as little interference as possible from the previous one (I’d go as close to 0g on Thursdays as I could). This week I’m up about 3.5lb (228, same as Monday) and my waist is up ½”, but I don’t know if that’s from the binge session I had last weekend or due to the fact that I’ve eaten a lot of beans the past 2 days and might just be bloated (because, actually, my hips are down; I tape my neck below the Adam’s apple, my waist at the navel, and my hips at the widest point (and across the peak of my glutes) weekly for BF calculations, then tape everything else every couple of months for progress). I don’t think I’m retaining/bloating from the cycle, yet.

Wednesday I had a good DL session, hitting 4 reps of my last set on 5/3/1 day. Like squats, I think it’s from the reintroduction of carbs, not the cycle. In fact, I’m sure, because I only hit a single on OHP yesterday afternoon (I’ve had tendinitis in my shoulders, especially my left, since November and it’s really affecting my pressing. Currently I don’t even have a bench day because even warm-ups at 135 are terribly painful. I didn’t bench heavy much, anyway, because I work out by myself and have no spotter). Today I’m doing Power Cleans, which is what I replaced Bench with. I mentioned going to a 5 day schedule next week; that’s so I can try adding Bench back in at a really low weight, but still keep my PC/power day (in addition to cleans I do DB Snatches and some other accessory work I don’t usually have time for on DL day like pull-overs). I think I should be able to handle it with the additional calories, especially in ~2 more weeks when this stuff kicks in.

For reference, my starting points here are 425lb DL (down from 465), 285lb Bench (down from 345), 240lb Power Clean (could be more, haven’t tested maxes here), 205lb OHP (down from 250), and 320lb Squat (down from 350). We all wish for bigger numbers, but I’d be happy just to get back where I was if that meant I was doing it 15lb lighter/less fat.

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Day 7:

Not much to report, yet, but I’m one week into this cycle so I thought I’d check-in. Starting a new 5/3/1 cycle this week and adding Bench back in, so I’ll be increasing my workouts to 5 days a week (keeping my Power Clean day). I don’t know if I’ll need to increase/adjust calories to account for that. As of right now, I’m holding steady at +300, though I’m still constantly hungry.

I know from my first cycle that I probably won’t start seeing benefits from the Epi (on my lifts, anyway) until around the end of the third week, but what about the Tren? About the same?

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Day 9:

Yesterday was my first attempt at benching in 2014 and, boy, it wasn’t pretty. I was only 2 reps into my first warmup set of 135 when I almost dropped the bar in response to the excruciating pain in my left shoulder. I thought it was just tendinitis, but maybe I should have it looked at (MRIs are so freaking expensive…).

Weight is up about 2lb just since my weigh-in Friday (I’m only eating ~300kcal over), which wouldn’t bother me so much except that it feels like my pants are also fitting tighter. Maybe it’s bloat? I don’t know. I’m thinking about going ahead and dropping calories and pulling carbs out of my diet Sun-Thu (CKD, 36H carb-ups), but will wait and see what the tape tells me this Friday. I hate to feel like I’m “wasting” my cycle by just using it to preserve LBM/strength on a cut, but I’m worried I’ll make the same mistakes as last time.

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Was doing weighted pull-ups yesterday and pinched a nasty nerve between my shoulder blades. Woke up around 10:30PM last night with shooting pains, then had trouble going back to sleep (I've been in a bad cycle for a couple weeks, but it might be due, at least in part, do my DMAA-based PreWO), so I finally gave in to frustration and got up at 12:45AM. Spent most of the morning farting around on YouTube, but started looking into rehab/therapy options for my shoulder. Came across a video from Donnie Thompson (I'm in Columbia, SC so I'm surrounded by folks like him, Marc "Spud" Bartley, Jamie Lewis, Rich Soren/Sorinex, etc) where he was "flossing" his shoulder using Voodoo straps from Rogue. I ordered a set of those to try out, so I guess I'll have to find someone at the gym to wrap me.

Have any of y'all tried them? Have any other suggestions for tendinitis in the shoulder? I've heard some guys mention lacrosse/tennis ball therapy, so I'm gonna look into that, too.
Day 11:

Weigh-in day. I have maintained a steady caloric intake of 3500kcal over these last 11 days with little, to no, variance (went over by 300 this past Saturday, but I was jonesing for a big, cold glass of milk right before bed) so that I could see how my body was going to respond. I was waiting to see what my results would be today before I made a decision about changing my diet up. I also meant to take full body measurements for the sake of tracking progress, before I got too far into this cycle, but I forgot and, out of habit, only took my weekly BF-tracking measurements. So, at approximately 300kcal over maintenance I saw:

Weight: +1lb

Waist at navel: -0.75” (but, to be fair, I think I may have been a little bloated last Friday from eating beans 3 days straight)

Hips at widest point and across the peak of glutes: +0.25”

Calculated BF%: -0.9

I may have been a little flat this morning, too, as I was home sick yesterday and only drank about half as much water as I normally would (I also missed my workout). Oh well, not gonna sweat the minutiae.

I reckon I’ll leave things alone for now and will keep eating – I may even bump the calories up another couple hundred in a week or two when the cycle really kicks in - but I’ll be keeping an eye on the BF% weekly so that I can make adjustments if I need to.

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Was doing weighted pull-ups yesterday and pinched a nasty nerve between my shoulder blades. Woke up around 10:30PM last night with shooting pains, then had trouble going back to sleep (I've been in a bad cycle for a couple weeks, but it might be due, at least in part, do my DMAA-based PreWO), so I finally gave in to frustration and got up at 12:45AM. Spent most of the morning farting around on YouTube, but started looking into rehab/therapy options for my shoulder. Came across a video from Donnie Thompson (I'm in Columbia, SC so I'm surrounded by folks like him, Marc "Spud" Bartley, Jamie Lewis, Rich Soren/Sorinex, etc) where he was "flossing" his shoulder using Voodoo straps from Rogue. I ordered a set of those to try out, so I guess I'll have to find someone at the gym to wrap me.

Have any of y'all tried them? Have any other suggestions for tendinitis in the shoulder? I've heard some guys mention lacrosse/tennis ball therapy, so I'm gonna look into that, too.

Interesting. I have been dealing with this on and off for years, I've never really found out how to rid this. If I'm correct, it's between the shoulder blades and spine, feels like electricity shooting and tingling? I just deal with it and some days it really bad and some days it's gone. I found that working out your upper back, doing cable rows and what not actually helps me out a lot with getting rid of the sensation, although it keeps coming back every now and then.
Let me know how this works out for you

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Day 14:

Not a good weekend for the diet. Friday I picked up some donuts and had them with milk and ended up at 4250kcal, which was 750 over my target. Saturday I gave into my cravings, as I’ve been starving these last couple of weeks (3500 calories is nothing to me. In fact, my breakfast alone on Saturday morning was 3000 calories…), and ended up at 6000kcal (2/3 of that was “clean”, but I did have the rest of my donuts plus an MRE and some Ramen). My intentions were to dial it back down Sunday, since my Easter plans were cancelled and my daughter went to NC with her mom, but I got a call from my ol’ lady late Saturday night asking me to join her at her sister’s for Easter, 3 hours away. That resulted in a big meal (mostly carbs/junk; that seemed to be all they eat), and then we got back late last night (and I still had another hour to drive) so we hit a Chinese buffet on top of that. I didn’t think I was hungry, but still managed to put down 4 plates, a plate of dessert and a bowl of ice cream… Feeling bloated and nasty this morning. Dehydrated, too.

Deadlifts today went well, except my lower back was hurting on like my 2nd or 3rd warmup set, like I had done 20 or 30... I guess that's what folks are referring to when they talk about bad back pumps.
I don't know if its related but I've had a bit of a headache the last couple of mornings.

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I'm guessing some bloat set in the other day... After my sloppy Easter weekend I was up 10lb, but I shouldn't have had that significant of a glycemic response (10-12lb is a good weekend when I carb-up on CKD) since I was already consuming adequate amounts of carbs and was not depleted. As of this morning I'm still up 8-9lb and my waist increased an inch, but yesterday was a 5000cal day (took the day off to hang out with my daughter and go dress shopping, so we hit IHOP and then I snacked around some; no workout yesterday, either), so I'll take it easy today and see what my official weigh-in tomorrow says.

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Day 18:

Weigh-in day. As I mentioned, Easter weekend was uncontrolled. I also took Wednesday off to spend with my daughter while she was on Spring Break which resulted in a trip to IHOP (Country fried steak, fried eggs, hash browns and ‘jelly-filled donut’ pancakes. Mmmm…) plus some snacking around throughout the day. If I estimate a calculated guess of 12k on Easter Sunday, then I averaged ~5242kcal over the last 7 days. I missed workouts on Wednesday (my gym is 60 miles from home) and yesterday (pulled my back at work and could barely even stand upright). The result of that this week is:

Weight: +6lb
BF: +0.28%
Waist: +0.75”
Hips: +0.5”

I think I’m going to make a change to my program and switch to cutting. I’ve been going back and forth over the decision since starting my cycle and 2 things stand out: 1) I don’t have enough room in these pants to continue at this rate, 2) my goal for this year was to get to 212lb @ 15% and by changing my objectives I feel like I’m just trying to get out of having to put in the work/make the sacrifices. I need to stick with it and just get it over with so I can *then* bulk with less guilt. I’ll allow myself today and tomorrow to enjoy myself (trying not to go overboard), then Sunday I’ll get back on the CKD wagon at ~2400kcal 185P/175F/30C (approximately 1k deficit, so I’ll be hoping for 2lb+ per week). Hopefully the cycle will keep my lifts from dropping too much, as I usually lose strength on a cut no matter how little of a deficit I run.
Day 20:

As noted above, I jumped back on the Keto wagon today. I ate around maintenance today, but for the next 6 weeks I'll shoot for 2400kcal 185P 175F 30C. I'll go 2 weeks (13 days) with <30g carbs, then will *try* to keep my carb-ups to just Friday nights, post-workout (I usually do Friday evening through Saturday evening). I'm hoping, since tomorrow marks the end of week 3, that the Epi will be in-effect and my strength won't plummet.
Also, in addition to the daily headaches in the mornings, I've been waking up at night with stomach aches or cramps, or something...

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Day 22:

Snap city. I was doing Pendlay rows today and with only 135lb, which is half of what I usually use, when it felt like someone walked up behind me and snapped a rubber band on my back around the shoulder blade. I didn't feel any immediate pain but decided to cut my workout short since my shoulder (tendinitis) was really killing me today (no pressing; all I had done was some DB snatches, weighted parallel pull-ups and then the rows). Now that I'm home, an hour later, I feel some ache/pain back there. I presume I snapped something back there but this is a first for me. I know I should turn to a professional to seek medical advice (I may in the morning, depending on how I feel), but I thought I'd check with y'all to see if you've experienced this. If so, is it anything to worry about?

Also, after listening to Shelby Starnes talk about Keto briefly on the latest episode of BCR, I think I'm going to adjust my macros from 30/65/5 (which gives me about .92g/lb protein, or 1g/lb LBM) to 20/75/5 to ensure I'm in ketosis and not just 'low-carb'. That means 200F 120P 30C. Since I'm running a cycle, is that protein too low? Should I raise my overall calories to compensate, which would increase the protein by keeping the new ratio?

I don't think anyone is really looking at this log, but if so, I would really appreciate some insight or advice on these two matters. Thank you.
Follow-up from yesterday: Pain was significantly greater today, so around noon I went to urgent care and they did an x-ray. Some tearing a nerve damage around the shoulder blade but nothing severe. I also asked about my upper shoulder and the chronic pain there, which turned out to be arthritis in the AC joint. Got a steroid injection there, a prescription for muscle relaxers for the back, and Celebrex for both. Gonna take the rest of the week off to rest and get back on it Monday. That's almost 2 full weeks I've been out, which is really putting a damper on my cycle...
Day 28:

It’s been a busy couple of days, so I haven’t had a chance to update this log, but I did do a weigh-in Friday, despite being out of the gym the last 2 weeks. I started Keto induction last Sunday (27[SUP]th[/SUP]), but because I wasn’t working out and depleting glycogen, there wasn’t much to show on the scale. Instead of the typical 4-6lb drop I see in the first week of keto, this weigh-in only showed a loss of a little more than a pound, and I was also 1k below maintenance…

Weight: -1.4lb
Waist: -0.5”
Hips: +0.25”

Then my ol’ lady wanted to get out of town this weekend so she and I and my daughter drove over to the beach and I totally abandoned my effort, so I didn’t even get into ketosis (and none of the food was even any good…). I’m jumping back on the wagon today, but Friday we’re celebrating our boy’s birthday and then Mother’s Day is Sunday, so my weekend will probably be wrecked again. Priorities and goals are fine and dandy when you’re skipping the cupcake parties and group luncheons at work but, as a family man, when it comes to things like this, lack of participation or forcing them to accommodate you doesn’t make you disciplined or dedicated, it just makes you an ass.

Today will be my return to the gym, so I’m interested in seeing how my body will respond by being on-cycle during my rest/recovery. Usually, if I take a week off (deload/vacation/whatever), I come back weaker and will miss reps. I’m hoping this time, however, that the EpiTren will have helped me retain strength and I can pick up right where I left off. Of course, that puts me 2-weeks behind schedule and a loss of half my cycle, but it’s better than going backwards…