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Docdoom77's Super DMZ 3.0 log for IML


Oct 22, 2013
Reaction score
I got my free bottle of DMZ 3.0 from IML for logging last night.

My plan is to take one a day for the first two weeks, then bump it up to 2/day for a 5 week cycle.

Since my last log, I have struggled with diet. It's just been hit and miss, but never good for more than a 4-5 days at a time. This week was the first in my attempt to reign my diet back into place and now it's going well. It does mean, however, that I haven't lost any weight in that time.

Anywho, I'll be eating to lose fat. I hope to make some progress killing this belly (the never-ending goal

I'll log all my workout here, on the IM forums, and in my normal log; along with my observations on how the DMZ is affecting me.

I'll be taking milk thistle for my liver, a multi, fish oil and zinc daily.

Pre-workout is coffee and Bronk-aid. Post is protein with BCAAs.

I'll try to get some starting pics up soon.
In on this
Following along! I do however HIGHLY recommend IML's Advanced Cycle Support. Have fun!
Incline DB bench 120 lbs (2x 60 lbs) x12, x9, x7 up two!

DB Bench Press 110 lbs (2x 55 lbs) x11, x7, x6 weight up, reps down... bit of a wash really

DB Flies 90 lbs (2x 45) x13, x10 down one. I guess the presses really wore me out this week.

DB pullovers 55 lbs x14, x12 up two

Some ups and downs. More good than bad.

10 minute break and I'll start shoulders.

Trying to reconstruct this from memory after the website ate the first copy. Grr

Shoulders! Gonna try some new variations and exercises, starting at minimum weight to get form down.

Standing DB Military Press 80 lbs (2x 40) x12, x9, x7 Not too bad for the weight increase; not as good as I'd like though.

Vertical grip DB lateral raises 10 lbs (2x 5) x14 Nice and slow. I think I can handle a few more lbs.
@20 lbs (2x 10 lbs) x10, x9, x8 My form was good and I held the last rep of each set for as long as I could.

Standing reverse flies 20 lbs (2x 10 lbs) x11, x10, x9, x8 Damn... that burns like hell... right where it's supposed to!

Not bad. I'm putting more focus on the rear and lateral heads.

Nothing to report on the DMZ yet. It's only been two days. I'm excited to see how it works for me. I've been swamped this weekend. I'll get pics up as soon as I can though.

I'm about 189 lbs right now. I'll get a waist measurement a little later in the week.

Not a bad idea about the cycle support. I'll probably order some.

Skull Crushers 50 lbs x13, x10, x7, x6 up three reps overall!

Close Grip Bench press @ 115 lbs x13, x10, x8 up 5 lbs and up one rep!

Decline dumbbell extension @ 60 lbs x14, x11, x9 up 5 lbs, down one rep. Still a gain.

Finished with some cable push downs.

That went well. Taking a 10 minute break before biceps.


ez curls 65 lbs x12, x8, x6 not bad for the weight increase.

Standing DB curls 60 lbs (2x 30) x11, x8, x7 up one rep overall

Standing hammer curls 60 lbs (2x 30) x9, x7 Good for the weight increase.

Not bad at all. Sweaty.

Too early for the DMZ yet, except maybe the sweatiness.

Here are my before pics.



Back day! I uh... didn't remember to avoid forearm work on Sunday (I did hangs), and my forearms are sore as hell. Hopefully, my grip will hold out.

Deadlifts 205 lbs x13, x10, x8 up 5 lbs same reps

Shrugs 205 lbs x16, x15, x12 up 5 lbs, several more reps.

Pull ups x14, x9, x9 up one

Bent over BB rows 105 lbs x12, x10, x9 same

A good one!

So, 5 days in, no performance changes yet, but that is to be expected. I have been sleeping better with a little more grogginess in the morning (means I was dead asleep when the alarm went off), which is something I noticed at the beginning of my last PH cycle. I've put on a few pounds of what must be water weight, since my diet has been on point and I've been drinking water like crazy (I always do well in this regard, but I've upped it beyond my usual). If it is water weight, it's going to the right places. My diet has left my muscles flat recently, but they are very full today. I mean I looked in the mirror and did a double take. So that's nice.
Back day! I uh... didn't remember to avoid forearm work on Sunday (I did hangs), and my forearms are sore as hell. Hopefully, my grip will hold out.

Deadlifts 205 lbs x13, x10, x8 up 5 lbs same reps

Shrugs 205 lbs x16, x15, x12 up 5 lbs, several more reps.

Pull ups x14, x9, x9 up one

Bent over BB rows 105 lbs x12, x10, x9 same

A good one!

So, 5 days in, no performance changes yet, but that is to be expected. I have been sleeping better with a little more grogginess in the morning (means I was dead asleep when the alarm went off), which is something I noticed at the beginning of my last PH cycle. I've put on a few pounds of what must be water weight, since my diet has been on point and I've been drinking water like crazy (I always do well in this regard, but I've upped it beyond my usual). If it is water weight, it's going to the right places. My diet has left my muscles flat recently, but they are very full today. I mean I looked in the mirror and did a double take. So that's nice.
Sounds like it's kicking in!
Squats 165 lbs, x13
@150 lbs x11
@135 lbs x10
@125 lbs x10 up 5 lbs across the board. Same reps. Exhausted. :p

Sissy Squats x14, x12 better

Leg extensions @ 100 lbs x15, x15 up 10 lbs same reps

Very good!

A week in. No sides so far. Energy has been pretty good and I look a little leaner (I ​feel​ leaner). Still no marked change in strength or performance, but I expect those effects to be kicking in soon.
Two weeks in a row I've had to reconstruct from memory because the damn site ate my first post. Sigh.

Incline DB bench 120 lbs (2x 60 lbs) x13, x10, x7 up two!

DB Bench Press 110 lbs (2x 55 lbs) x12, x9, x8 Up 5 reps!

DB Flies 90 lbs (2x 45) x15, x11 Up three

DB pullovers 60 lbs x14, x12 up 5 lbs, same reps!

Awesome! I felt very strong today.

10 minute break and I'll start shoulders.


Seated DB Military Press 70 lbs (2x 35) x13, x10, x9 I was having trouble with my form standing, so i switched to seated. Much better.

Vertical grip DB lateral raises 20 lbs (2x 10 lbs) x12, x11, x9, x9 nice

Standing reverse flies 20 lbs (2x 10 lbs) x14, x12, x10, x10 Way more. Gonna bring the weight up next week.

That went very well.

I felt very strong today. I'd say the DMZ is really starting to do it's stuff. No sides yet, but I love the fuller look I have on this stuff already.
I didn't get to workout on Sunday. I had a nose bleed that lasted all day. I ended up in the emergency room. I had somehow torn open a blood vessel while sleeping. Nocturnal picker... ew. Anyway. It sucked, but my blood pressure was good, so no problem there.

Hammies and Calves.

Romanian Dead Lifts 210 lbs x14, x13, x13, x12 up 5 lbs, same reps. Serious grip issues.

Leg curls 70 lbs x14, x9 up one

Seated Calf raises 225 lbs x44, x25, x23 very good

Standing one-legged calf raises 65 lbs dumbbell x17, x15 same

A good one.

Still no sides which is great. I had good strength today, despite being tired (I got a decent night's sleep last night, but only about 3 hours the night before due to the nose fiasco). Also a bit of a bump in the libido department.
I didn't get to workout on Sunday. I had a nose bleed that lasted all day. I ended up in the emergency room. I had somehow torn open a blood vessel while sleeping. Nocturnal picker... ew. Anyway. It sucked, but my blood pressure was good, so no problem there.

Hammies and Calves.

Romanian Dead Lifts 210 lbs x14, x13, x13, x12 up 5 lbs, same reps. Serious grip issues.

Leg curls 70 lbs x14, x9 up one

Seated Calf raises 225 lbs x44, x25, x23 very good

Standing one-legged calf raises 65 lbs dumbbell x17, x15 same

A good one.

Still no sides which is great. I had good strength today, despite being tired (I got a decent night's sleep last night, but only about 3 hours the night before due to the nose fiasco). Also a bit of a bump in the libido department.
Nose bleeds suck...but at least the BP is good! :D
Nose bleeds suck...but at least the BP is good! :D

Yeah. I was concerned as the day went on that it might be BP related, but nope. I just tore open a blood vessel. They had to cauterize it.
Since I missed Sunday's workout, I'm doing an abbreviated version of it today.


Skull Crushers 55 lbs x13, x8, x6 not bad for the weight increase

Close Grip Bench press @ 120 lbs x13, x10, x6 eh

ez curls 65 lbs x12, x8, x6 out of time.

I definitely don't have the same level of energy early in the morning before work as I do at 9am on a Sunday. ;P
Back day!

Deadlifts 205 lbs x13, x11, x9 up 2 reps

Shrugs 205 lbs x17, x15, x13 up 2 reps

Pull ups x14, x10, x9 up one

Bent over BB rows 105 lbs x12, x10, x9 same

I've had some serious job related stress which has caused me to miss a great deal of sleep. Despite that, I saw some improvements today. I give the credit to the DMZ.

Still no sides! Tomorrow I'll be moving up to 2 pills. One upon waking and the other late afternoon.
This weekend has been hell. I'm a day behind.

DB bench 120 lbs (2x 60 lbs) x13, x11, x9 up three! Gonna have to brave more weight next week.

DB Bench Press 110 lbs (2x 55 lbs) x13, x9, x9 Up 2 reps

DB Flies 100 lbs (2x 50) x12, x8 Not bad for the weight increase

DB pullovers 65 lbs x14, x12 up 5 lbs, same reps!

10 minute break and I'll start shoulders.


Seated DB Military Press 70 lbs (2x 35) x14, x11, x9 up two

Vertical grip DB lateral raises 20 lbs (2x 10 lbs) x13, x11, x10, x9 up two

Standing reverse flies 30 lbs (2x 15 lbs) x13, x10, x9, x9 Great for the weight increase!

Good workout!

Good energy and strength. I did notice some joint pain today, so I'll be keeping an eye on that.
Triceps; Again, doing these today, since everything got pushed back this weekend.

Skull Crushers 55 lbs x13, x8, x6 That kinda sucked.

Close Grip Bench press @ 120 lbs x14, x11, x6 better, but doing these early in the morning just doesn't work as well.

Finished off with some low-resistance cable push downs.

I'll try to get some bicep work in after dinner if I can.
Triceps; Again, doing these today, since everything got pushed back this weekend.

Skull Crushers 55 lbs x13, x8, x6 That kinda sucked.

Close Grip Bench press @ 120 lbs x14, x11, x6 better, but doing these early in the morning just doesn't work as well.

Finished off with some low-resistance cable push downs.

I'll try to get some bicep work in after dinner if I can.
Remember to keep your elbows slightly pointed back, rather than pointed straight up on the skull crushers. A nice little tip to help avoid the horrible tendonitis that skull crushers cause.
I'm with ya EB. I actually do them behind my head to keep my elbows back. I have a lot of trouble with my left elbow, so I do what I can.

It's late and I'm pretty tired, but I'm gonna squeeze a little bicep work in.

ez curls 65 lbs x13, x9, x7 nice

Standing DB curls 60 lbs (2x 30) x12, x9, x7 good

Evidently I'm stronger in the evenings than in the mornings.
Good god do I hate daylight savings. It's really kicking my ass. Also, I strained my left hip flexor crawling around under the trailer doing house repairs. Sigh.

Squats 165 lbs, x14
@150 lbs x11
@135 lbs x10
@125 lbs x9 Same overall. I wasn't kidding about daylight savings. All of my performance is gonna take a hit for a week or two.

Sissy Squats x14, x12 same

Leg extensions @ 100 lbs x16, x16 up 2 reps. I'll take it!

Well a sight improvement at the end. Not bad considering how tired I am.

I have to say that without the DMZ, my numbers definitely would have gone down. Fucking with my sleep pattern kills me and it takes me a while to get back on track. Also, that joint pain from this weekend seems to be gone, so no worries there.
Hammies and Calves.

Romanian Dead Lifts 210 lbs x15, x14, x14, x13 up 4 reps. I'm kinda stuck at this weight until my grip strength catches up a little.

Leg curls 70 lbs x14, x10 up one

Seated Calf raises 225 lbs x47, x25, x23 very good

Standing one-legged calf raises 65 lbs dumbbell x18, x16 up two

Another good workout!

Still no side to speak of. I'm impressed with the DMZ. The last couple weeks have been utter crap: lots of work and home stress, lack of sleep, head cold, etc, but my strength keeps chugging along!
Hammies and Calves.

Romanian Dead Lifts 210 lbs x15, x14, x14, x13 up 4 reps. I'm kinda stuck at this weight until my grip strength catches up a little.

Leg curls 70 lbs x14, x10 up one

Seated Calf raises 225 lbs x47, x25, x23 very good

Standing one-legged calf raises 65 lbs dumbbell x18, x16 up two

Another good workout!

Still no side to speak of. I'm impressed with the DMZ. The last couple weeks have been utter crap: lots of work and home stress, lack of sleep, head cold, etc, but my strength keeps chugging along!

Keep it up man! I've been dealing with a lot of stress lately as well.. I know what you mean. It seems like I only get sick on cycle. Everytime lol. This is my second head cold on this current cycle

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Keep it up man! I've been dealing with a lot of stress lately as well.. I know what you mean. It seems like I only get sick on cycle. Everytime lol. This is my second head cold on this current cycle

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
Almost everyone I know has been sick at least twice this winter. I can go years without getting sick, but now I've been fighting something since the Arnold. It's just been a shitty winter. :(
Agreed. I'm just glad the -50 degree wind chill is over lol. That was brutal. The temp going from -10 to 50 degrees in one day messes me up

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Hey, thanks guys. It's reassuring to hear that stuff.

Incline DB bench 130 lbs (2x 65 lbs) x12, x11, x9 up 10 lbs only lost one rep!

DB Bench Press 120 lbs (2x 60 lbs) x11, x8, x7 Not bad for the weight increase.

DB Flies 100 lbs (2x 50) x12, x9 Up one

I strained my damn left shoulder. I'm gonna stop here for today. I ice it. Hopefully it'll feel better tomorrow.

No sides. I felt strong until I strained my shoulder.

Skull Crushers 55 lbs x13, x9, x6, x5. Eh

Close Grip Bench press @ 125 lbs x14, x10, x7, x5 better

Finished off with some low-resistance cable push downs.
Deadlifts 210 lbs x13, x11, x9 up 5 lbs, same reps

Shrugs 210 lbs x17, x15, x13 up 5 lbs, same reps

Pull ups x15, x11, x9 up two!

Bent over BB rows 105 lbs x13, x11, x9 up two!

A very good workout!

Strength continues to go up. Still no sides. Good stuff!
Deadlifts 210 lbs x13, x11, x9 up 5 lbs, same reps

Shrugs 210 lbs x17, x15, x13 up 5 lbs, same reps

Pull ups x15, x11, x9 up two!

Bent over BB rows 105 lbs x13, x11, x9 up two!

A very good workout!

Strength continues to go up. Still no sides. Good stuff!

Squats 170 lbs, x14
@155 lbs x11
@140 lbs x10
@130 lbs x9 up 5 lbs across the board, same reps! My quads feel like they're gonna burst.

Sissy Squats x14, x12 same

Leg extensions @ 110 lbs x15, x15 very nice

A great workout!

Meant to post this here on Thursday. Sorry for the delay.

I've had a ton of crappy stuff going on in my personal and work life. Motivation is in the crapper. Diet and sleep are suffering.
Despite all that, strength continues to grow and that is a testament to the DMZ. Still no sides.

Squats 170 lbs, x14
@155 lbs x11
@140 lbs x10
@130 lbs x9 up 5 lbs across the board, same reps! My quads feel like they're gonna burst.

Sissy Squats x14, x12 same

Leg extensions @ 110 lbs x15, x15 very nice

A great workout!

Meant to post this here on Thursday. Sorry for the delay.

I've had a ton of crappy stuff going on in my personal and work life. Motivation is in the crapper. Diet and sleep are suffering.
Despite all that, strength continues to grow and that is a testament to the DMZ. Still no sides.
Well...the "life" stuff sucks...but at least you're stonger with no sides! It's nice to have SOMETHING positive going on!