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May 10, 2012
Reaction score
Hey guys and gals,

Been lurking here for a little bit and I started a Halo log over on another site, and was asked to log it over here with IML. It's a great little community we've got started here, and I'm glad to join you guys.

The first few days I will just copy/paste from over there, and then I"ll continue to keep everything updated for my 4 week run with HALO.

Thanks for following and enjoy!
Hey guys and gals,

I have been REALLY impressed with reviews and feedback that I have read about all IML products, so thought I'd throw my hat into the mix and start a log detailing my 4 week run with HALO EXTREME.

First a little bit about myself.

I am a 30 year old former professional powerlifter who trained and competed at Westside Barbell for 4 years. I have been weight training since I was 10 years old, so I have been at this for most of my life. As a powerlifter, I competed as a superheavyweight (308+lbs) and my weight got all the way up to 491lbs (at least that's the highest I ever weighed myself...it could have been higher!). While I was very strong having lifts of a squat of 1005lbs, a 635lb. bench, and a 735lb deadlift, after realizing that this was not a healthy state for me to be in, I hired a contest prep coach (Jason Theobald) and began dieting and bodybuilding training in September of 2011.

From that time I have gone from 491lbs at 48% bodyfat (Yes, 48%...I'm probably the only person on the internet who admits to ever having been above 12%BF right?! LOL). I am currently sitting at 360lbs, and my eventual goal is to get down to right around 300lbs by the end of the year where I should be right around 10% BF. I feel that this will be a healthy walking around weight for me.

During this time I have not taken any of IML's anabolic products as I thought that any more muscle mass would only be lost in all the fat that I still had. But having already lost over 130lbs. I'm now ready to throw the HALO into the mix. I must note that during my 31 week recomp dieting, I have been using IML's LEANFUEL EXTREME before my fasted morning cardio. These cardio sessions can last up to 100 minutes at one time!! and this product has given me the endurance, energy, and mental focus to put in these cardio sessions each day. In fact, I have NEVER missed a single cardio session or gone less than my allotted time during my entire prep. While a lot of this is due to my tenacity, I have to give the LEANFUEL EXTREME its due credit for giving me that needed extra boost many mornings.

Ok, so onto the HALO...I will run this for 4 weeks total at 3 caps per day in divided doses for the first two weeks, and then if I'm feeling well will bump it up to 4 caps per day in divided doses for the final two weeks. I am on prescribed HRT so a PCT will not be necessary for me. I will also be running LIV52 for its additional health benefits.

My goal for the HALO is just to keep/maintain my current muscle mass while doing up to 130 minutes of cardio daily on top of my 5day per week weight training sessions, as well as eating a diet where my carbs are only at 60 grams per day
(I do get a weekly carb refeed of up to 800grams carbs). So basically I'm looking for a nice recomp effect and hardening of my muscles along with increased vasularity. I already have tons of muslce
so not really looking for anything dramatic there, but more so a body composition change as I work my way down to 300lbs. Hopefully be the time that I finish this log I will be in the 340's....we shall see...

So here we go!!!
Very cool to have you posting your log here brother. Your experience is a huge asset to the forum.

For those of you who aren't familiar with me and my story and health trials since I was a kid feel free to check out my training and fat loss journal here...


I thought that I would include some "Before" and "After" pics so you all could see where I started and where I'm at now. Yeah, I'm still fat, but I'm starting to look like an offseason bodybuilder as oppossed to an obese superheavyweight powerlifter!

BEFORE: 491lbs

AFTER: 375-360lbs.


370lbs. Veins in quads

365lbs. (4-31-12)

361lbs. (Today...05/10/12) Starting to get some shape!
Day 1 - 05/10/12[/h]
Ok, so now that you all know where I've come from (with the help of LEANFUEL EXTREME
), and where I'm at now, NOW we can see where the HALO EXTREME can take me for the next four weeks.

So today is Day 1, and I consumed 3 caps, one a time throughout the day:

Meal 1 - 8AM
Meal 3 - 1PM
Meal 6 - 7PM

I performed fast LISS cardio for 70 minutes this morning and then I trained chest and bicpes and had a very good workout. Even on my low carbs, my body has seemed to have adapted and pumps are good, so I'm REALLY excited to see how the pumps will be with the addition of the HALO. I have one more 30 minute cardio session before bed and that's it.

Any diet, cardio, training questions that you guys have, or about the HALO product (or suggestions from those that have already run it), please feel free to ask as I don't mind talking (I bet that's pretty obvious, lol).​
Day 2 - 05/11/12

Just finished my morning fasted cardio and did all 100 minutes in one shot. Got through it relatively pain free thanks in part to IML's LEANFUEL EXTREME tab taken beforehand. Of course 100 minutes of cardio is a lot no matter what, but the energy and focus that I get from the LFE does help make it less torturtous. Hey guys, if y'all are having trouble doing cardio, if my big ass can get through it with the help of Leanfuel, then don't nobody have any excuses to skimp on their cardio.

Dry weight in undies was 362lbs. this morning.

Will hit hamstrings and calves this afternoon, and I have my weekly carb load/refeed tonight which will consist of 700grams carbs from pancakes, syrup, and iced tea.

I am a computer nerd, so I am going to not only be posting daily updates on how I'm doing with the HALO, but will most likely be posting multiple times throughout the day. So this will likely/hopefully be the most detailed log of HALO that anyone has seen to date.

Alright, gotta go eat and throw down some chicken breasts and almonds (along with my first HALO cap!!), but will check in with you muscleheads later on!​
Day 2 - 05/11/12 - Continued[/h]
So I trained hams and calves this evening. No, it isn't a glamorous bodypart, but it must be done. Nothing too exciting to report quite yet, but I did notice already an increase in stamina and endurance. I train high volume with moderate weights and short rests (45-60seconds), but tonight I just flew through all my sets without batting an eye. The more sets I did the better pump I got, and felt almost just as fresh on my last set as I did starting off.

Here's what I did...

Lying Leg Curls: (45 second rest)

1 x70 x15
5 x90 x12
4 x110 x10

(only last set taken to failure)

Seated Leg Curls: (45 second rest)

2 x100 x15
2 x120 x12
2 x140 x10

Cybex Adductor Machine (60 second rest)

3 x200(stack) x50 reps all sets...BRUTAL!

Seated Cybex Calf/Toe Press:

1 x110 x100 (change foot postion every 25reps)
1 x130 x100
2 x170 x50, x50

Seated Calf Raises:

1 x1plate x50
3 x1plate & 1 quarter x50 reps all sets

An hour later my hams and especially calves were still pumped...almost painfully. As a special note, by this time of the week having dieted on sub 70grams of carbs daily, I am somewhat dragging in the gym. Tonight I initially was dragging, but once I started going I had a really nice mental 'buzz'. I did not take any stims before weight training either. If this is just a taste to come then I am antipating some good things.

Alright, well had my pancake refeed tonight, and I feel that carb coma coming over me, so I'm going to hit the hay. I train delts/traps, and tris tomorrow, so I'll have something a little more exciting for you guys besides leg curls, lol.

Oh, and I took my HALO doses with meals at 8AM, 3PM, and 8AM.​
Day 3 - 05/12/12[/h]
Ok, so I performed 100 minutes of LISS cardio at 6AM and it went well.

Went to the gym at 3PM and trained delts, traps, and tris. Here's what went down


Hammer Strength Shoulder Press: (1 minute rest btwn sets)

1 x1plate per side x21
1 x2pps x15
1 x2pps & 1 quarter x12
3 x3pps x10, x10, 9 last set drop to x2pps x9 --1pps x20

WHOO...awesome pump, strong, and very energized

Standing Side Lateral Raises: (1 minute rest)

1 x35 x12
4 x40 x12, x12, x12, x10

Reverse Pec Dec Rear Delts:

1 x130 x15
1 x160 x12
3 x190 x10, x10, x10 last set drop to 110lbs x20reps

Cybex Standing Machine Side Raises (30 sec rest)

*Performed "7's" per FST/Hany Rambod style

7 x120 x12, x12, x12, 12, x12, x10 ,x9

Standing Front Barbell Raises (30 sec rest)

3 x65 x12 all sets


Standing Dumbbell Shrugs:

3 x185 x20, x27, x20


Rope Pressdowns: (45 sec rest)

4 x100 x20 (last two sets I failed before 20, so rest pause for a few seconds and keep going until I get 20 reps)

Seated Machine Extensions: (45 sec)

1 x110 x15
1 x130 x12
1 x150 x12
1 x170 x10

Cybex Machine Dips: (30 sec)

4 x120 x12, x15, x15, x12

Overall, very good workout. Not training for strength, but strength was good. Stamina and recovery between sets was AWESOME. I ended the workout and didn't even feel like I had trained. This is going to be an exciting 4 weeks I can tell already...​
Halo commercial

Here's a little "commericial" I filmed today during one of my shrug sets for HALO EXTREME. I may have taken a few poetic liberties about how quickly the HALO quicks in, but it was all in good fun and hopefully y'all get a chuckle out of it.


Day 4 - 05/13/12

Well muscleheads, Im up at 5AM doing 2 hours of LISS trying to distract my mind from this pain lol!

But it's all good...I'm just happy to be awkae, alive, and doing what I love to do which is pushing my body to new heights and challenges! If you're not growing and changing then you may be alive but you're living a life of death. And I choose to live life to the fullest!!

Anyways, today is an "off" day...just strictly cardio, no weights.

Some things I have noticed from the HALO so far...
-slightly increased aggression
-increased libido
-increased sense of well-being (alpha-male increase)

While none of these have been over the top, they are already noticable.

Nothing really new to report today. Did notice some new veins peaking through in my arms though which is unusual b/c today is no carbs and I would normally be very flat. That's a good sign.

Hit quads tomorow.​
Regarding my diet, as of the first of this year I hired contest prep coach, Jason "Scoobysnacks" Theobald (he has a Q&A here on Rx in the contest prep section) to setup my entire diet and cardio regimen.

My diet looks exactly like this. I eat the exact same things everyday, at pretty much the exact same times(+-15minutes). My macros are 350P/60C/85C on training days and 360P/35C/90F on non training days.

Meal 1:
Chicken Breast
Almond Butter

Meal 2:

Meal 3:

Meal 4:
Egg Whites
Coconut Oil

Meal 5:
Whey Isolate Shake (postworkout)

Meal 6:
Chicken Breast
White Rice

Meal 7:

On my non-training days (2), I drop the white rice.

Regarding the cardio negatively effecting my training I think my body has adapted by now since I've been doing this since September. And I get the cardio done by 8AM and don't weight train until 4:30PM so allow as much recovery time to take place. But honestly, in the end, when you are dieting hard for a long time, something is going to give. I am NOWHERE as strong as I used to be (I haven't bench pressed over 225lbs in the last 3months), but I don't care b/c I'm looking better everyday and feeling better to.

I can always get my strength back later on when I've dieted down to where I want to be. But I'm still a freaking beast though, lol
Last edited:
Diet is looking great. Keep killing it in the gym!!
Thanks PT..Will do!
Day 5 - 05/14/12

Ok, things are starting to get interesting. I woke up and my forearms were pumped and tight and I haven't trained biceps since Thursday. When doing cardio on the bike, my calves became pumped as well. Not so bad that I couldn't do it, but just the light pedaling of LISS cardio had a nice little calf pump going. I've been doing cardio for the last 7+ months and this is the FIRST time that my calves got a pump doing cardio. We'll see if this continues...

It wasn't bad, but even getting mild lower back pumps as well. I will say that even though I normally consume 2+gallons of water/crystal light per day, I did feel myself getting a little bit more dehyrdated than ususual, so of coure I increased my consumption. Just a note to all those who are trying/may try any IML oral product.

Leg training came around and I honestly was dragging mentally a bit today. Joints were feeling a little rickety and tight, but once I got the ball rolling on leg extensions, things began to turn around nicely. Here's what went down for Quads...

Leg Extensions:
3 x110 x15, 15, 15
3 x130 x12, 12, 12
3 x150 x 12, 12, 15(failure)

Leg Press:
1 x6pps x12
1 x7pps x12
1 x8pps x12
1 x9pps x12
2 x10pps x12

Hack Squats:
1 x3pps x10
1 x4pps x10
1 x5pps x10
1 x6pps x10 --> x5pps x10 --> x4pps x10 --> x3pps x10 --> x2pps x10 --> x1pps x10

WHOO! Who says fat boys don't have endurance?! I think the HALO is kicking in

Cybex Leg Press:
5 x300 x20 reps all sets (non to failure, just pushing and squeezing)

LOTS of stretching!!

And, as promised, here is my video of my final set of Hack Squats From HELL!

Day 5 - 05/14/12
Ok, things are starting to get interesting. I woke up and my forearms were pumped and tight and I haven't trained biceps since Thursday. When doing cardio on the bike, my calves became pumped as well. Not so bad that I couldn't do it, but just the light pedaling of LISS cardio had a nice little calf pump going. I've been doing cardio for the last 7+ months and this is the FIRST time that my calves got a pump doing cardio. We'll see if this continues...

It wasn't bad, but even getting mild lower back pumps as well. I will say that even though I normally consume 2+gallons of water/crystal light per day, I did feel myself getting a little bit more dehyrdated than ususual, so of coure I increased my consumption. Just a note to all those who are trying/may try any IML oral product.

Leg training came around and I honestly was dragging mentally a bit today. Joints were feeling a little rickety and tight, but once I got the ball rolling on leg extensions, things began to turn around nicely. Here's what went down for Quads...

Leg Extensions:
3 x110 x15, 15, 15
3 x130 x12, 12, 12
3 x150 x 12, 12, 15(failure)

Leg Press:
1 x6pps x12
1 x7pps x12
1 x8pps x12
1 x9pps x12
2 x10pps x12

Hack Squats:
1 x3pps x10
1 x4pps x10
1 x5pps x10
1 x6pps x10 --> x5pps x10 --> x4pps x10 --> x3pps x10 --> x2pps x10 --> x1pps x10

WHOO! Who says fat boys don't have endurance?! I think the HALO is kicking in

Cybex Leg Press:
5 x300 x20 reps all sets (non to failure, just pushing and squeezing)

LOTS of stretching!!

And, as promised, here is my video of my final set of Hack Squats From HELL!

dre23! You are a Fast Twitch BEAST UNLEASHED with a bit of genetic superior mixed in there!

Man you are intense! Thanks for posting the videos and the detailed routines, I am already psyched for my next workout just by watching you!

Now, pardon my ignorance but what does the pps in your sets mean; is it push-push-squeeze? How does this technique work?

dre23! You are a Fast Twitch BEAST UNLEASHED with a bit of genetic superior mixed in there!

Man you are intense! Thanks for posting the videos and the detailed routines, I am already psyched for my next workout just by watching you!

Now, pardon my ignorance but what does the pps in your sets mean; is it push-push-squeeze? How does this technique work?

My main man Don! Thank you very much for the kind words. While I do believe that I have good genetics (seemingly all for fast and slow twitch fiber training, as well as muscle growth) I believe that my main key to success is my mental toughness and ability to 'flip a switch' so to speak.

Regarding what "PPS" stands for...it is just my lazy way of writing Plates Per Side where a "plate" is a 45lb plate.

So when I wrote, 6pps, that means that I had six 45lbs plates on EACH side of the machine. Hope that helps, and stay tuned cuz they'll be more vids to come as I progress thru my HALO cycle!
Dre you are an inspiration and a freak. It is an honor to work along side you!
How did I miss this... Will be following over here to Big Dre

Had a very good back workout tonight. I have been kind of dragging during the day, feeling a little drained with some mental fog, but when I hit the gym I stil seem to be able to flip that switch and go into battle mode. I'm actually hesitant to say that it is the HALO b/c it almost seems too good to be true, and too soon! But it is the only variable that I've added.

Now despite my size I'm in good shape and only take up to 60 second rest between sets. Tonight, I'd finish a set and almost be ready to go again in 15-20seconds! And I had to FORCE myself to wait atleast 30seconds just b/c I couldn't mentally wrap my mind around the fact that I was recovered. I will note that most of my sets are challenging, but I only take the last one to failure. I do usually leave like 2-3reps in the tank except for the last set.

Hit back tonight and it was my "easy" week for back...mostly machines, so get to sit down and take it easy from the torture of free weight rows. At one time I would have said machines were for pussies, but I am growing and learning that in hypertrophy training that they def have their place. You all know the types of weight I use, so I'll spare you the details (and honestly, lately I just stick the pin in and go. If it's too light then I don't count it as a set. If it's too heavy then I'll do the set and proceed to do a drop set)

Wide Grip Pulldowns
4 sets of 15-9 (drop set last set)

Reverse Grip Pulldowns
4 sets 10-15reps

Machine Wide Rows
5 sets 10-12

Dumbbell Pullovers
4 sets 12

Hanging Leg Raises
4 sets of 15

Machine Crunches
4 sets of 25

Here's a pic I took during a quick breather in between sets. Things are starting to tighten up I must say. Sorry about the lighting.

Dre you are an inspiration and a freak. It is an honor to work along side you!

Thank you Chris. I really don't know how to respond when people give me compliments like that. I'm just a regular guy who loves to train hard, eat right, and push past my limits. I'm really excited to be a part of the IML Team as well! :cool:

How did I miss this... Will be following over here to Big Dre


Last! Great to see you over here brother. Thanks for joining the party!
Day 8 - 05/17/12

Yestersay was an "off" day, and just performed 2 hours of cardio.

A little over a week into my run and the veins have started to pop out!
Very excited about this as I am still quite large, but I am noticing visible differences in my body on a daily basis. Even my diet coach, who is VERY stingy with giving compliments said that I was looking great.

Anyways, haven't trained yet today, but wanted to report increased libido as a DEFINITE side effect! In my current single state, I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing though...But I sure as heck chat up the fitness girls at the gym when I'm done training, and they're all like, "Oooh Dre, you are looking good hun. Keep up the great work". Yeah man

I haven't done orals of any type in a longgggg time, and have been checking my blood pressure to cover all my bases and make sure I'm taking care of myself internally.

All is well in blood pressure land! Not bad for a 364lb man on anabolics.

No prob Dre. Humility is the sign of a great leader. You keep rocking man as the actions you do will speak so much motivation to those around us.
Nice bp dre...i would say in general most guys with the amount if muscle you have run higher bp #'s...so thats really good...
No prob Dre. Humility is the sign of a great leader. You keep rocking man as the actions you do will speak so much motivation to those around us.

Thank you Chris. I appreciate that very much, take it to heart, and do not take that responsibility lightly.

Nice bp dre...i would say in general most guys with the amount if muscle you have run higher bp #'s...so thats really good...

Come on man, you know by now that I'm just a freak of nature! lol
Day 11 - 05/21/12

Hey guys,

Everything is going well here so far with my HALO cycle. Most noticable effects are enhanced recover, in and out of the gym, better pumps, increased vascularity, as well as slightly increased aggression and libido.

Since I'm "only" going to run this for 4 weeks, and since blood pressure is great and no negative sides to report, as of today I am upping my dose from 3 HALO caps per day, and will now be running 4 caps per day.

Will keep you all up to date with how things go with this. Also, should be shooting another video this week for your viewing pleasure.
Hey guys,

Everything is going well here so far with my HALO cycle. Most noticable effects are enhanced recover, in and out of the gym, better pumps, increased vascularity, as well as slightly increased aggression and libido.

Since I'm "only" going to run this for 4 weeks, and since blood pressure is great and no negative sides to report, as of today I am upping my dose from 3 HALO caps per day, and will now be running 4 caps per day.

Will keep you all up to date with how things go with this. Also, should be shooting another video this week for your viewing pleasure.

3caps is a sweet spot, stoked for ya!!
Hey guys,

Everything is going well here so far with my HALO cycle. Most noticable effects are enhanced recover, in and out of the gym, better pumps, increased vascularity, as well as slightly increased aggression and libido.

Since I'm "only" going to run this for 4 weeks, and since blood pressure is great and no negative sides to report, as of today I am upping my dose from 3 HALO caps per day, and will now be running 4 caps per day.

Will keep you all up to date with how things go with this. Also, should be shooting another video this week for your viewing pleasure.

Dre23! Hope all is well! How are you responding to the three caps?
Day 15 - 05/25/12

Dre23! Hope all is well! How are you responding to the three caps?

I actually bumped it up to 4caps daily and am doing great!

As you know I am dieting and doing a lot of cardio, but when I hit the gym, that "on" switch seems to go into hyperdrive! My recovery between sets seems to be the major things that I am noticing a huge improvement in. I mean, I'll do a set and by 30 seconds I'll be recovered to do another set. My pumps are really good, and at a bodyweight of 364lbs, I am becoming more and more vasular every day! My weight is staying about the same, but my clothes are definitely looser, and people say that I am looking different. I haven't gotten my bodyfat restested, but I'd be willing to bet that I've lost some bf and put on some muscle. I plan to get tested again at the end of my run.

Here is a pic of my forearm, AFTER I got through training hams and calves, lol, so you know that all the blood was in my lower body, but yet these bad boys are poking out! I am VERY pleased so far.
