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Could Phil Heath Do The Masters Olympia?

  • 8 min read

by Christian Duque

A few things have happened since we last updated you on the comings and goings of the return of the Masters Olympia. For starters, the promoter has reduced the competing age to 40. This is huge news because it opens up the competitive pool to guys who normally would compete in the Open but who might be looking at a coveted Olympia title. Being crowned Masters Mr. Olympia brings with it tremendous prestige and opens up a great many doors in the fitness industry.

How Is Bodybuilding Perceived By The Faithful?

  • 6 min read

by Christian Duque

It’s very difficult to gauge how every Christian or every Muslim thinks of the sport of bodybuilding but over the many years of creating content all throughout social media, I can speak to my experiences from tens of thousands of viewers that have left comments regarding my contest coverage, interviews, and news. A lot of people simply don’t understand what the sport is all about. Some people see it as a sport of vanity and others see it as simply narcissism. They view bodybuilders as self-consumed human beings who believe they’re able to achieve perfection without God.

Pre-Workout Powders All Day?

  • 8 min read

by Christian Duque

Just last week, a buddy of mine from the gym was talking to me in the locker room about how amped up he was throughout his average workday. He told me that all he was taking was three energy drinks a day. It caused me a bit of a double take, because three energy drinks can mean upwards of a gram of caffeine given how powerful some of these beverages are. Don’t forget that the energy drink market has come a long way from Red Bull which has 111mg of caffeine to the 16oz revolution with Monsters and Rockstars averaging 160mg of caffeine. That was over a decade ago. Now the new norm for Bang’s, Reign’s, and Rockstars is 300mg or more. Anyone who drinks three or more of these highly caffeinated energy drinks is going to be doing cartwheels.