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Chris Bumstead is Retiring!

  • 5 min read


Ok, that’s a lie — at least at the moment. That said, now that I have your attention, I’m going to explain why I think Chris Bumstead is setting the stage for his next BIG announcement to be his retirement from the sport of bodybuilding.

The fact that Chris Bumstead is becoming more of a household name should tell you everything you need to know about the man. The one area I’m shocked he hasn’t broken into yet is acting. No, I’m not saying he’s going to go the route of Kai Greene (which does anyone even know what’s going on with him anymore?), but the guy is likable and has a great image.

All that being said, Chris Bumstead is putting himself in a position (financially) to stop putting his body through all the stress associated with competing, and I couldn’t be happier for the guy.

Let’s dive into the reasoning behind what I’m saying, and perhaps you’ll agree with me in the end. And I promise, no more clickbait in this article.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not meant to treat or diagnose any condition. It is recommended that you speak with your doctor before starting any exercise program, making changes to your nutrition, or adding any supplements to your current routine.

Chris Bumstead is THE MOST LIKED Man in Bodybuilding

Being a bodybuilder (a successful one at that) is no small feat. Add in the fact that Chris Bumstead was born with an auto-immune disease called IgA Nephropathy, and you add another element to how impressive this guy is.

Never mind the fact that when he first broke into the industry, everyone was talking about his lisp, he’s turned it into dollar signs with the launch of a protein powder called Itholate Protein and a pre-workout called Thavage.

So, all the people making fun of his lisp, the joke is on you, he’s laughing all the way to the bank.

Becoming a Partner in Raw Nutrition and Revive

But let’s backtrack a little bit. Chris Bumstead was once one of the most sought-after athletes in the sport. People were willing to throw any amount of money at him to get him to sign a contract with their supplement brand. While he inked his signature on some contracts, he made the wise decision to jump on board with Matt Jansen and become a partner in Raw Nutrition and Revive.

While many bodybuilders have tried to build their own supplement company, only to have it fail, Chris Bumstead is a different breed.

Phil Heath, Dexter Jackson, and many others have tried to build a supplement brand around their name, but it just wasn’t enough. Between all the partners in Raw Nutrition and Revive, they have real momentum and are growing with each passing year.

The fact that Chris Bumstead is already making moves while he’s still at the top of the sport is one of the smartest things he could have ever done. Granted, I’ve published articles in the past about how I feel he’s the most influential person in the sport and that he can lead bodybuilding into the future. I stand by my stance to this day, and it would take a lot for me to change that viewpoint as of right now.

But wait… there’s more. His business endeavors didn’t end here.

Chris Bumstead Announces Partnership with Gymshark

I love the fact that Chris Bumstead is mature enough to see an opportunity and take it when it’s ripe. He’s not going to put his name and image on anything he can’t stand behind, and with his recent announcement of joining Gymshark again, this time as an athlete and part-owner says a lot.

He dropped the news with a “Daddy’s Home” campaign that caught fire on social media.

Being one of the biggest fitness apparel brands out there, Gymshark is putting out insane numbers, and Chris Bumstead is smart for punching his ticket to solidifying himself as one of the best entrepreneurs in the industry.

With the pull Chris Bumstead has from an influence standpoint and his personality, I feel he’s going to lead Gymshark into the future.

He’s setting the stage for his retirement and has a plan post-competing that is going to make him extremely wealthy over time. I can see a huge sale of Gymshark down the line that can put millions into Chris’ bank account. Not that he needs more money, but dang, good for him.

I’m proud of what Chris Bumstead has done both on and off the stage. He has a family now, and I’m sure competing is weighing on his mind how long he wants to keep doing this, especially with multiple businesses and a child.

I don’t know what the future holds for Chris Bumstead, but I know one thing for sure… Everything he touches turns to gold. Keep doing your thing, man. I’m incredibly impressed and in awe of everything you’ve accomplished.

Matt Weik, BS, CSCS, CPT, CSN, is the owner of Weik Fitness. He is a globally recognized and prolific writer. With a passion for creating health and fitness content, Matt’s work has been featured on thousands of websites, over 100 magazines, and he has authored over a dozen published books.