by Matt Weik, BS, CSCS, CPT, CSN
Sam Sulek could be one of the biggest names in the fitness influencer space right now. With nearly 3.5 million subscribers on YouTube and just shy of 6 million followers on Instagram, his rise in the fitness and bodybuilding world is insanely impressive.
That said, I feel that if more people were real in their videos, like Sam Sulek, they could also build a huge following on YouTube.
The YouTube platform is growing by the day, with around 3.7 million new videos being posted daily.
While going viral on YouTube is quite difficult, like finding a unicorn, guys like Sam Sulek can build a massive following that will bring in millions of views per video.
Why is that?
It’s because of his personality. The guy is as real as it gets in his videos.
Now, people will complain that Sam Sulek is not natty and that his “alleged” steroid use could deter people from subscribing and following his channel, but in the grand scheme of things, if you’re watching any fitness influencer or bodybuilder out there, the chance that they’re using steroids is nearly 100% (whether they are open about it or not — welcome to the industry).
But let’s dive deeper into this topic.
Sam Sulek is a Normal Dude
Being relatable is HUGE today. People don’t want to watch people who they can’t relate with. When you have guys like Sam Sulek, who goes to school during the day and then focuses on his training, cardio, meals, and rest, it’s something many people can look at and understand.
Does Sam Sulek drive a fancy car? Nope. Is Sam Sulek filthy rich? No (at least not yet). Does he do normal stuff that you and I do? For sure. The guy is as humble as it comes.
In the summer, he paints crosswalks around towns to earn money. I don’t know about you, but there’s nothing glamorous about that, and most people probably wouldn’t sign up for that job because they feel it’s “below them,” as if they’re better than doing such a job to earn money.
Content is King and Sam Wears the Crown
Now, I have no definitive number and can only go off estimates, but according to vidIQ, Sam Sulek makes anywhere from $17.5k-$52.5k per month from YouTube. Then, on top of that, he was making money from a contract he had with Hosstile, where it was reported that he was only making around $2k per month with his contract. I have no way to confirm or deny that, but the reports online are claiming that’s the dollar amount.
Overall, I think Sam Sulek is worth way more than $2k per month on a sponsorship from any company. The guy has around 200 million views on his videos which is crazy to think about that number.
What I would do if I were Sam Sulek, I would do sponsored content in his videos. I believe Sam couldn’t do anything like that when he was a part of Hosstile, but now that he’s not under a contract, I think he could do well over $2k per video just in sponsorships and easily pull in an additional $50k+ just in monthly video sponsorships.
But again, I truly feel that the way Sam Sulek does his content is what’s so appealing to so many. He’s not trying to be a know-it-all. He’s not trying to make it seem like he’s better than anyone else. He’s simply recording videos showing his life and providing tips and value to those who engage with his content.
Influencers Need to Take Notes from Sam Sulek
People follow those whom they can relate to and learn from. Poor content and a bunch of lies won’t win you any followers or subscribers online or on YouTube. People crave authenticity.
Sam Sulek isn’t here for the drama. He’s not making “reacts” videos trying to gain subscribers by exposing people, calling people out, or giving his opinion on things going on in the industry. The guy is documenting his life and what drives him throughout the day.
In the process, he’s dropping knowledge bombs that his subscribers can pick up and use. These little nuggets are things we can all use to see better results. Everything from diet, nutrition, training, supplements, recovery, and lifestyle.
My Only Wish for Sam
I think the industry needs more people like Sam Sulek. I wish him nothing but the best and hope he continues to grow his following and revenue with each passing day. He seems to have a good head on his shoulders, and I hope the fame and money don’t change that as he continues to build himself online.
My only concern is his health. I obviously wish him the best health and longevity, but I’m worried that what he’s putting in his body could be doing harm as he’s put on a ton of size quickly.
He’s a young dude, and I’d hate for something serious to happen to him. So, Sam, if you’re reading this, do yourself a favor and make sure you stay on top of your bloodwork. The industry needs real guys in it, and I hope you continue down this path.