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This Will Be The King of All Shows!

  • 10 min read


by Christian Duque

Not all bodybuilding shows are created equal. In fact, right now there are probably a good dozen or two of them to choose from each week to choose from. Some cover current events and others talk about the history of the sport. Some include current athletes, past athletes, and/or fans as commentators. It really all depends on the format. There are so many variables at play that we could be sitting here all day, from shows that are 45 minutes to several hours long.

Some programs focus on live chat interaction; others could be just one person talking into their camera. The reality of the matter though is that there is so much competition that a show needs to be exceptionally good in order to make it. And one show that is definitely going to be big is the still as of yet unnamed program featuring Lee Priest and Xavier Wills. These two Aussies have so much talent that that alone will make them stand out from the pack.

Xavier has built an empire with Desktop Bodybuilding that is very impressive in terms of his reach and the quality of his production. He has been able to find a niche in a sport where media credentials are few and far between. He doesn’t need to cover the shows nor does he need to apply for press passes. What he does he does from his YouTube channel and his social media handles is very special.

Lee Priest on the other hand has become more of a media personality over the years through working with RX Muscle and making various other appearances that on interviews and videos. But then again he’s always done that. He is without a doubt one of the most recognizable bodybuilders of all time.

Both of these guys working together will surely create something very special.

In fact even before the program had a name I loved its approach. The sheer honesty of it all is refreshing because there’s so much hype and smoke in this sport that an honest program will truly stand out. I’d gladly pay to watch.

Right now, they are asking the fans to help them name the show and that speaks volumes as well. I feel like they want to do something very organic from the get-go. They don’t want to come out with a cheesy name that they concocted all on their own. By having the fans be a part of naming of the show that really speaks to the direction the program will more than likely take. I don’t think these guys want to hear themselves talk for an hour or two, rather, they want to put something out that is going to draw the fans attention and retain that attention for the long haul. For example, BroChat is a phenomenal show, but it’s based on its panel. Whatever the panel wants to talk about, that is what the show is about. I feel that by including the fans from even before the show has a name, really speaks volumes about what they intend on doing.

Lee has always been a rebel with a cause. And not just a rebel but somebody who put his own money where his mouth was. I will never forget him making the point that bodybuilders that competed at the Mr Olympia could potentially go back home with no money in their pocket. And not just no money in their pocket but debts to boot – airfares, hotels, food, and not make a single penny. It doesn’t really sound like the Super Bowl Bodybuilding. It sounds like a major shit show. But Lee was instrumental in shining the light on this reality.

Unlike Ronnie Coleman who said he never complained and more or less enjoyed his time on top without trying to change things, while Lee was winning big shows and placing with top honors – he in fact was trying to change it. And what separates Lee from other guys as well, is the fact that being sanctioned or being banned did not silence him. He had something to say and he would put it all in the line to say it. You have got to really respect that. And as a result of that blunt honesty he has commanded a lion’s share of the bodybuilding fanbase. His fans will not leave his side. Even though he may not be able to compete in the Federation and even though he may have been banished for some years, his hardcore fans have never left his side. Not only that, but the numbers of fans have increased over the years. Lee didn’t have to compete in order to be relevant. He also didn’t have to do anything in order to be talked about.

When you have an individual that the fans love as much as they do, as with Priest, he will forever be a part of the sport. No matter how many fines you give him or how long you ban him for, the fans will always talk about him. And it’s crazy because at just 5 ‘4, if he were just a couple of inches taller he could have been Mr Olympia. Then again that sort of argument doesn’t really hold much water. It’s like saying if my aunt had stones she would be my uncle. lol. Ultimately what matters most is the physique you put on stage. He may not have been the tallest but he had one of the most aesthetically pleasing looks of the last 20 or 30 years. It was very much a compliment to the Golden Era of Bodybuilding with a 1990s twist. If it were about his physique alone maybe we would not be talking about him today. It was his attitude as well. It was his outlook. And even though his rhetoric may have changed over the years his passion for change has not.

I think Lee has found different ways to get his message out. Very much like Shawn Ray and Bob Cicherillo, I think that Lee has discovered his natural knack for all things media. He’s very good at it and he’s been doing it for many years. I first heard him on the radio on VPX N.O. Shotgun Radio. And from there he continued doing interviews, podcasts, and video shows online. Then he linked up with RX Muscle and now it seems like he is always online whether doing an Instagram Live – on his platform or doing interviews on other platforms. He is constantly being seen and heard from.

As a result his fanbase has grown exponentially. The same way that the fanbase of past Mr Olympias seems to get bigger as time goes on, so too has Lee’s fanbase grown by leaps and bounds, proving that it isn’t necessary to compete in order to be relevant in the muscle game. I would say Lee is as relevant today as he ever was in the 90s or 2000s. But unlike a lot of the guys who are still kicking around, at least he still has a message. If he sees injustice he will speak out. And one can only imagine that this show with Xavier will be true to Lee’s lifelong pursuit of improving conditions for athletes at the pro and amateur levels.

I think it’s important to Lee to leave a legacy. I think a lot of guys look at legacy in terms of contest record or how much money has been made. I think Lee sees his legacy as how much he has been able to improve the sport for the next generation. And I think this show with Xavier will continue that work. I really truly believe that his heart is set on exposing some of the dirty little secrets of the sport but also promoting the real growth potential that it represents. I think Xavier will help him to this end because of his vast knowledge of how the media works in the 2020s and employing lessons he’s learned throughout the rise of DB.

As I said in a previous article and many videos, I put Desktop Bodybuilding second only to Nick’s Strength And Power. I also like to include Muscle Discord in that illustrious top three of bodybuilding media sites and shows. All three of these shows march to the beat of their own drum. Since they don’t need press passes they don’t have to kowtow to the federation. And many have very supportive sponsors that give them certain freedoms to express themselves on their platforms. At the end of the day, no broadcaster needs their sponsor’s permission to put out content, but without the sponsor’s money, it makes everything so much more difficult.

Many of these shows can last hours as finished products, but very few people ever stop to think about how long it takes to get to that finished product. If what you’re putting out is 3 hours long, it may take another 3 hours behind the scenes to make the 3 hours that go out absolutely perfect. While there are DIY channels, most people strive to be a cut above. They don’t want to do a program with a crappy microphone, bad lighting, or substandard filming. It is very important that everything looks just right. This is how shows get sponsors and it’s also how they pick up new viewers and retain them.

I don’t think that Lee or Xavier will have any trouble finding fans to watch their shows and they certainly will not have an issue getting sponsors. What I don’t know is how far they will push the envelope. Xavier is very much in the thick of it all on the media side so I don’t think he wants to burn any bridges, but at the same time I don’t think that he wants to put out puff pieces and willfully ignore big stories in the sport. I think that Xavier will balance out Lee but I also think Lee will get Xavier to come out of his shell unlike anyone else has before. I think both guys together could be just what the doctor ordered. The sport needs a show that isn’t afraid to get controversial, all the while, having the truth on their side.

I can’t imagine that Lee and Xavier are going to spend too much time talking about how to cook a chicken breast or when to take creatine. I think ultimately what they will talk about are subjects that really matter to the sport and really matter to the fans. I don’t know what the title of the program’s going to be, but something tells me their show is going to be one for the record books. I could see it becoming a driving force in the sport of bodybuilding and fitness. And this is because both guys have larger-than-life personalities. It isn’t because of anything else than that. When you’ve got a host or a group of hosts with a tremendous personality then it becomes very difficult to write it off as being nothing more than hype and buzz.

I think that countless individuals are looking for an outlet very much like this will be. They want the truth and they also want to be entertained. And I think Lee and Xavier will do just that. As always, thank you for reading my article here at Iron Magazine. I look forward to reading your feedback in the comments. Please be sure to copy a link to this article and share it on your social media feeds.